Transmission went south

Is it generally the turbo charged beefed up machines that are mainly having gearbox failures or is it just bad luck? If you ride moderately using the clutch at every gear change and don't thrash it all the time surely you must be in with a good chance of the gearbox surviving? Or am i just hopeful?
Is it generally the turbo charged beefed up machines that are mainly having gearbox failures or is it just bad luck? If you ride moderately using the clutch at every gear change and don't thrash it all the time surely you must be in with a good chance of the gearbox surviving? Or am i just hopeful?
It really seems to be nearly random, as apparently Triumph installed the circlip randomly, not realizing that there was a front and back side to them. But I imagine more power equals more likely failure, forcing it out of the groove. My Carpenter 240 did break mine.
Several carpenter bikes that didnt ger the robinson treatment, have shown up lately on here broke.
There is also two that I’m aware of that DID get the Robinson treatment and failed. Obviously , we don’t hear about the trans that don’t fail. I’ve read probably every reported failure on this site anyway, Adding power certainly doesn’t make things any easier on the trans. it’s a machine they break!

My thinking is, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Having the trans gone thru is expensive, and no guaranty it won’t fail.
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There is also one that DID get the Robinson treatment and failed. Obviously , we don’t hear about the trans that don’t fail. I’ve read probably every reported failure on this site anyway, Adding power certainly doesn’t make things any easier on the trans. it’s a machine they break!

My thinking is, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Having the trans gone thru is expensive, and no guaranty it won’t fail.

Too true. Do not fix it if it ain't broken. The bike is fast and has enough torque as standard. enough anyway. It's good enough for me.
All I’m saying is there is no evidence that I’m aware of that Robinson will give you a bullet proof trans. I’m certain they do good work, but it’s not addressing the real problem to me anyway.

It looks like the drive train needed a redesign to handle the high torque. Luckily it does seem to be that the vast majority are reliable, good and don't give any problems.
It remains to be seen if the new 2020 Rockets suffer in a similar way.