Trans went

Yellow face 3 pin plug is either MAP sensor or heated grips. Looks like heated grips.
MAP one will have a pink wire and the heated grips will have a purple one iirc
Sounds like your wires are OK - How old is that gas in the tank?
i think that we will have to have the colors of those three
preferably like #1 and color.
i have a lot of info on voltages so #1 voltage is 0 volts ect might help narrow it down.

this is what i use with my phone (android) the obd link ls works good but need to follow directions exackly for it to comunicate.
the lone tec cable also works good with android tablet (this works good for downloading maps.
most of the time when an important connector is unpluged it will set a code for the sensor that is unpluged
Yellow face 3 pin plug is either MAP sensor or heated grips. Looks like heated grips.
MAP one will have a pink wire and the heated grips will have a purple one iirc
Well I certainly dont have heated grips. Although I wish I did.
Sounds like your wires are OK - How old is that gas in the tank?
It a few months old but I topped it off with fresh 93, so it should be enough to run fine.

I got home about 2 hours late, and its pouring outside, and I still have to make dinner. It looks like a tomorrow after work kind of thing for me to deal with. When rains starts, people forget how to drive.
Thanks everyone for you input, I will have to give it a solid once over and trace wires to see what is where tomorrow when I get home. II can guess all day but until I have the time to actually go out and trace each connection, I am just guessing.
It's frustrating- most of us have been there, and too much advice can drive you crazy, but..... just some final thoughts...

- not sure it's a wiring issue anymore- now that you know about the heated grips.
- check to see if the plugs are firing
- dump that tank of stale gas to run in the lawnmower and start with fresh fuel

Good luck
Well, I braved the pouring rain and started again. I unplugged the power commander and I got it to fire up for a second but I noticed that the gauges were not on. They were lit up, but they didnt go through the start sequence and nothing was showing on the odo. I held the starter and after a few seconds the gauges went through the start up until I let go of the starter. I believe the battery is low on voltage even though I charged it and I need to scrub the connections really well. But that will be a tomorrow thing.
Ok, well, its good and bad news with the new battery. If I unplug the Powercommander 5, it will fire up with a very rough idle but eventually dies out. If I plug it back in, it will not fire up at all. The gauges will not cycle until its started and then it runs semi smooth for a few seconds and then starts idling rough.
Checked the coils but the plugs are set where you cannot mix up 2&3, went through whole bike and checked plugs were all plugged in, double checked nothing was left unplugged.
The only thing that I havnt considered is that the airbox may need to be connected so the sensor reads and adjusts for the intake.

I will be getting the OBDII plug tomorrow, and I will hop back on it, but until then, I am frustrated, so I need to take a break otherwise, I will do something stupid.

Here is a link to the video.
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