Towing an R3

They wouldn't be selling them if everybody's fender got effed up. Dirt bike boys with their plastic fenders definitely not so much to worry about. Metal painted fenders to be double sure a shop rag or wash cloth tightening down just what you need and not like a gorilla! I'm back to gently trying one. For $15.00 if for some reason it doesn't work out I've wasted a lot more than $15.00 before.

Keep in mind that the mx fender is mounted up high n doesn't travel with the suspension so that y brace pushes against the bottom side of fender while bottom of brace is directly against tire. They maybe just made for mx bikes since those tend to be trailered or in back of truck so often

But your prolly right about not needing gorilla amount of pressure. Thanks for Guinea pigging. Let us know how it works
Correct, you aren't trying to bend metal parts. You are only compressing the fork springs enough to keep the front wheel in place. Even better if your trailer has a front wheel guides.
Not trying to be a piss pourer but, if you hit a big bump with the trailer, the bike suspension is going to react to it. I wouldn't do it. I pull my forks down about halfway when I trailer. Over 60,000 miles on the factory installed fork seals and knock on head..... No leaks yet