Towing an R3

I have had AAA for many years and don't believe $49/year is correct, Amigo.
Tis more like $149 for the RV / MC version, which includes up to 6 tows per year up to 100 miles each tow.
You can use a tow for another riding buddy if you wish.

I have AAA currently so what you speak is correct. This is AMA for $49yr which is why I will purchase it when my AAA expires.:p:)
has anyone towed a R3T or trailer'd one? as in using a chock or personal vehicle to move one. i may need to haul mine home before too long. and i'm trying to figure out how i can very securely anchor it to the bed of the truck or onto a trailer.
has anyone towed a R3T or trailer'd one? as in using a chock or personal vehicle to move one. i may need to haul mine home before too long. and i'm trying to figure out how i can very securely anchor it to the bed of the truck or onto a trailer.
Yes the @mexican has towed two rockets with a chock :p
Sure did, wheel chokes from Harbor Freight, heavy duty enough to slam the Rocket against it, did not have a single problem:)
A word from experience! I learned you should NOT bottom out the shocks when securing with tie downs unless you want to replace fork seals.

Dats a fact! You can buy a Y spacer to go between the tire & the bottom triple tree yoke that you can bottom out on instead of fully compressing & bottoming out the forks. It's about $15-$20. Motorcycle Super store dot com
Dats a fact! You can buy a Y spacer to go between the tire & the bottom triple tree yoke that you can bottom out on instead of fully compressing & bottoming out the forks. It's about $15-$20. Motorcycle Super store dot com
Clint give me a little more detail on the y spacer