Touring on a Roadster Dilemma

That's a find!

I love finding old s#it and making it serviceable again!

(Or making something else entirely out of it.)
Just finished 2300km trip, stopped every 100km or so for a drink and a good stretch, good hour for lunch and stopped after about 7 to 8 hours. When I plan trips it is always on a three day cycle, two long days and one short, finishing around noon. Works for me.
I prefer this on long trips...

A giant bus-sized RV with sliding partitions and a built-in bike garage would be awesome. I'd move in permanently and just live in it.
Ok guys-I just revisited this thread and have to say thanks for all the additional responses! Canberra gets the prize for the best looking, cleanest set-up and I really enjoyed the photos. I never expected when I joined this outfit that I would be getting so much out of it...not just the great and very useful information but the chuckles I have gotten all winter from this forum are priceless-I love coming to work so I can...well, read the forum! I have to say that even though I enjoy reading posts from all over the world I find the most interesting and entertaining to be from the Aussies...I have always wanted to go to Australia but this forum has pushed that travel destination to the top of my list! You guys rock!

I leave in about a week for my first overnight Rocket adventure and I will be sure to post a follow-up upon return-Doug from Alaska