Touring on a Roadster Dilemma

I like the ROK's, look very usable. I prefer something that's almost entirely unelastic though, usually the luggage will compress and create enough tension with straps.
Regards the legs , your only doing 800 mile over 3 days , call it 900 with detours , thats 300 a day , don't worry about it just stop and stretch the legs for 5 minuits every 1 -1.5 hrs , and you will be suprised how quick you get used to it ,

Regards the bags and luggage , don't worry about taking any , just stink for a few days , and buy a pair of socks , jocks and a t shirt when you get there , throw the used ones away , or sell em cheap to some homeless guy
Look at mr Millionaire over here, tossing away good socks instead of grabbing some soap, putting them in a sink and scrubbing for a few seconds.
Look at mr Millionaire over here, tossing away good socks instead of grabbing some soap, putting them in a sink and scrubbing for a few seconds.

I don't do washing , thats why i got married Given the choice i would definetly rather sell em , not found anywhere that will trade socks and jocks in ,,,, """ yet """
If you wear modern microfiber base layer next to your skin, it will keep you comfy & not build up body odors.

They dry very quick. If you don't like the idea of washing them in the sink, well then...

Just wear them into the shower, soap up a bit, rinse, and strip in the shower to finish.

Wring em & hang em to dry.

But since they don't build up odors, you won't really have to wash em unless u want too.

Here is how I tell when it's time to wash my shirt....
Andy, I'm not going to do it! Nope, I'm not going to watch that video again, no, no, no...

Or you can do this...