Totaled Rocket III Touring

Get the harley.
Get the harley.
Get the harley.
Nothing else sounds like a harley.
Girls swoon over guys that ride a harley.
you'll fit right in.
Get the harley.



Your choice,
your call,
your ride.
You know what you want.
Get it.
Sorry to hear you totaled your brand new R3T. Hope you heal quick.

Why a Harley ? Did you not like the Rocket ? Did ya bang yer hed ?
Like the old saying goes.....


Be a little different than all those HD numb skulls.
If you do go Harley. .. please not a black sheep.... errr I mean street glide!
Don't see enough of those.
Looking at the harley Electra Glide ultra limited... Full loaded touring. I want to add radio and fairing to the rocket III before the crash and still would.

Things I didn't like about the R3

1) triumph USA customer service sucks!!!!!! Totally could care less about the bike rider
2) very hard to get aftermarket add ons
3) Triumph dealer has to do the first bunch of services as I like to do my own work.

Harley is the way to go

I'd say Harley is the way to go. Everyone has a Harley. They're everywhere. It's cool when I ride into the Hideout (great burger and beer joint) and see rows and rows of identical Harleys there. (Why don't they park them according to color? Anyhow...). Those guys are in a "club" a real "gang." They really "fit in."

A lot of guys feel kind of weird "sticking out" in a crowd. To best "fit in" I'd get a bike that doesn't cause looks. If you DO want to cause looks and still be "cool" I'd get really loud pipes. That forces the folks who otherwise wouldn't look at you do pay attention.

And if you think about it, it's kind of weird when you pull up to Toms Farms and there are over 100 bikes and you're the only Rocket III. On top of that, yours is the biggest bike there (until the Boss Hoss arrives). All those questions to answer and all those silly girls who want to snap a photo on your bike. That's no good. You just want to sit back and enjoy the action.

Lastly, HD offers all sorts of aftermarket bling, whereas the Rocket III is limited to just 126 items. Why doesn't Triumph act more like Harley?!?

All thinks considered, I'd say the Harley is the way to go.
For item #1...I had good luck so my experience was obviously not the same as yours.
For item #2...if you mean Triumph ones, see #1 for me, other than that my dealer pretty much ordered me anything I wanted (and at a discount...this was before I worked there) and if they couldn't get it (for whatever reason) I went online and bought it my own self.
For item #3...while that is recommended, as long as you have receipts for the correct fluids and can reasonably swing a wrench you could have done it yourself. Any motorcycle shop will tell you to let them do the maintenance...they are trying to stay in business and meet their overhead to stay in business to meet your "future" needs...but you don't have to let them. Besides after the initial 500 mile service on the Rocket you get to go up to 10,000 miles before the next oil change/service interval.

As for getting an HD Electra Glide Ultra Limited, I gave those ideas up when I got my first Gold Wing...there is no, and I mean no comparison. As I have mentioned before on this board if Harley ever decides to make that bike or any of their other "tourer" models with a water cooled engine...I just might get interested, but air cooled as they are, you get hot enough on the Rocket and it is water cooled, the torque, no listed HP...just the image and "tradition"....I'll take Triumph any day over that....but it is your are going to be the one riding it. And if you can enjoy it....more power to'll just be riding slower than the rest of us...but speed isn't have to be happy so do what you gotta do.


08 dtg KAF
12 dtg Dubai
13 dtg Home
34 dtg Ray's

You're dead wrong on 1 and 3. I suspect you've been duped by your dealer. Frankly, I'm of the opinion Triumph needs to do a MUCH better job of ensuring they hand out franchises to the RIGHT kind of dealers. I do believe they're in the process of stripping a few, as I've heard about more than a couple losing their franchise lately.

You're correct about 2. There aren't a lot of aftermarket parts. Reason? Triumph sells a fraction of the bikes in the States that Harley does. In most cases there's simply not enough market to justify investing the R&D and cost to manufacture.
p.s. If you think Triumph is bad, I can hardly wait for you to buy that big, bad Electra Glide and have to take in to the dealer for a repair (an almost certainty with that model, do your research and you'll see). You'll be livid within 5 minutes of walking into the door. lol

That's exactly the reason I will NEVER buy another *new* Harley. I never want to have to deal with those *******s again.

I talked to Triumph directly in Atlanta or wherever it is in GA. The guy was a total jerk and told me I had to just deal and it would be atleast another month before I got my stuff. Ya real nice folks to deal with....

Thinking I might stick with the Rocket III thou.