I have compared my R3T to my Stratoliner of late. I have a tight left turn from a stop when leaving work. Due to heavy traffic, I usually have to go WOT once safe to do so as I complete the left turn. Brahma pulls way harder when I do this over Yamato. Yamato has a good amount of torque from it 1,836cc engine and 100lbs less weight. But the triple is king in this situation.
While out on a country ride with Pretty Pillion last weekend, I had to go WOT on Yamato when turning onto a busy highway. I told her to brace for it and opened the big V-twin up. With the extra weight on the back, it felt as if we took off extra quick. I have done similar fast launches with her on the back of Brahma that did not feel as drastic though our speed jump up very fast.
I think in this case, the fueling map is a factor between the two bikes but I am not sure why I feel more torque with Pretty Pillion on the back of the Strat compared to the Rocket. And then the opposite without a rider on back.