Top Speed?

There were rev and speed limiters on the old Rockets. For the new liquid cooled Thruxton R, TuneECU shows a rev limit but no speed limit. I take it people have hit the rev limit at 6500?
I expect both in the R3 - with only a rev limiter the R3 would run 300 km/h in the highest gear at max rev...
It may be "aerodynamically limited" to a top speed.

You do not know my belly - it's highly aerodynamical...

No, what I wanted to state was that the limiter must use both ways, because otherwise (with only a rev limiter) you would easily pass the 222 km/h where it is placed right now, because - when I remember well - the new R3 has about 4.000 rpm in 6th gear when touching that speed...
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Based on that, the bike will cruise at 2300rpm at 80mph/129kph, and have a speed of 224mph/361kph at 6500rpm in 6th?

At 140 lots of headshake from wind had to roll off, it felt like there was more though, I also have a TFC

You need to change your name to qweesy687
Based on that, the bike will cruise at 2300rpm at 80mph/129kph, and have a speed of 224mph/361kph at 6500rpm in 6th?

Allow me to check this on the weekend - I actually have to take one of my other bikes to the dealer for check up so the TFC is actually sleeping in the external garage...