Top speed on your Touring?

tope speed....?

I routinely accelerate my '09 R3T to 110-120mph, but run out of road on the way to work....mine is primarily used for daily commute.....:D:D:D
Cruised up Hwy 93 out of Las Vegas to ElCaliente last June at 95-100..lots left but everything seemed to be happening quickly at that speed..comfortable at 80-85 with Metzlers,Jardines with exhaust augers and KnN filter under seat..using GPS mounted to handlebars for accurate speed readings.:pFuel milage dropped at 95+ to 70+ will consistently average close to 40:DAlso have the Gipro-atre!
I can't take my 2009 past about 85 or 90 mph...anybody go faster on an R3T?
Again, just to be clear, this question is for Touring models, not Roadsters, Tourers or Standards.

If you go over 90 mph, please lsit your tire combination, and method of balancing: lead weights, Dyna Beads, or other.

Hi been out today on my R3T(two up) and just for the fun of it i opened it up in 3rd gear full throttle:D (oh boy ) does this baby go we hit 95 even then the rev limiter did not come into play.Put it into 4th and away we went again got to 110 and put in 5th as we were running out of road :eek: (A4 is not the place to do this) now i have standard tires a set of tors a top box the screen we not fitted the me and the wife must weigh well over 400 lds between us...................

Go and find a queit road get to 3rd and then open it up FULL throttle and see what happens
Check the short Clip I made after installing GIPro.
1. gear = 84 km/h - 52 mph
2. gear = 129 km/h - 80 mph
3. gear = 170 km/h - 105,6 mph

Topspeed = 200 km/h - 124 mph

Topspeed not shown in this vid, because I was on a small street. Bridgestone Tires, GIPro installed and than kiking a$$

the belt from my helmet is flattering in the vid - sorry for that.
this "thing in front" is the holder for the navigation system.

see the selected gear in the gipro. mounted at the handlebar (red figures)

Speedtest with GIPro
08 R3T with screen and bags on - got up to 100 / 120 ish in Death Valley when a slow but increasing weave started - slow deceleration and very very gentle braking got her back pointing straight. New Metzler on rear, older Metz on front. Checked everything and finally changed the front for an Avon. Problem solved. No more weave although things do get a bit light and moving your weight forward helps. I also have Tripp's Tune applied :) Not sure how fast she really goes as I don't spend much time looking at dials at that speed, I just know its gone past the 120 indicated, but it sure puts a big grin on your face when you are back out of Warp!
Well guys, I ran mine up to 115 MPH once just for fun. It ran right up there with still more to go. I have the original Metz on it and a taller Cee Bailey windscreen. I didn't seem to have any issues except for things flying by on the right and left sides. I believe the top speed is 117 MPH actual with probably the speedometer reading close to 124. My speedometer is just a little over 3 MPH off at 80 MPH according to my GPS. I haven't had it fast enough to see if any limiting was going to take place. I'm more of a 2nd & 3rd gear kind of guy. I like to feel the acceleration more than top speed. Besides, I don't need the grief of a ticket and my younger need for speed has kind of left me.
I'm doing 124 in the 1/4 at the drag and the gps said 164 is the top I have hit but I don't have the limit it comes with tune edu took care of that I hit 140 from time to time when I do the speedo goes back to 0 is how I know I have hit it