To bike or not to bike, this is the question

More or less my sentiments...except the fat part. Six bikes??? That's a great start! I like...I crave...variety! Like I've said, there are MANY very intriguing bikes to be experienced, the rocket is but one among several! If I do buy another scoot it will probably be Mr. Mighty Max! Or the honkin' Diavel! Both are way cool right out of the box! BMW's are improving their lineup every year.
With you on the V-Max and Diavel, Dracul. Plus you have a VTX; my other favourite (envy envy). But if I have to have just one, it has to be the Rocket. It does it all.

yeah, too fat for the sport bikes. At 6'3" and 260# sitting on my Son's R1 just about puts the suspension at it's bottom. The riding position also feels a bit rough on the wrists after a few miles. This type of bike would only suit me for bar hopping, which I no longer do. Not even one beer when I'm riding anymore.
You already have a fast big bike. How about a small bike with a sidecar?

I am having a blast with my Bonnie/Velorex rig. Take the grandkids, the dog, run errands have fun going challenge to learn how it handles...totally different from a two wheeler.

If the roads are can still ride.
I could go for an outfit like that. There's a double sidecar for a Rocket for sale in Oz. 2 reasons I wouldn't want it - 1. the price $6,500 and 2. I'd prefer the pace of a Bonnie with grandkids and hound on board.
My next bike will be one of those Kawasaki enduro things, go anywhere and over anything in all weather. Park it outside in the rain, on the front of a motorhome to catch bugs ... a really ugly do-it-all-bike.
Does Triumph make one of those? lol
Tiger comes to mind the new ones look hot
Only ever had one crack at a sidecar.... i was hopeless. Ran it into a gutter, even out in a paddock i couldn't get the hang of it. Would be a brave soul that got into a sidecar with me in charge ha ha