To bike or not to bike, this is the question

VFRs are worth considering. They are proven machines that are extremely dependable. They don't pull like a triple, but have a lot of soul. Put a good tank protector on and get accustomed to resting your tummy on the tank and your arms won't feel the stress.

There are still new VFR800 models sitting in dealer showrooms that at great prices.
Blown VFR

VFRs are worth considering. They are proven machines that are extremely dependable. They don't pull like a triple, but have a lot of soul. Put a good tank protector on and get accustomed to resting your tummy on the tank and your arms won't feel the stress.

There are still new VFR800 models sitting in dealer showrooms that at great prices.

Yeah and you can bolt an A&A Performance Rotrex Supercharger on one and ride fast...very fast!
I'm probably the most impractical person on the planet so I need to love the machines looks and power .I think I could be happy with a R3 and a Diavel lol
If you have the $ get the second bike. I like my Rocket III but it doesn't do everything well. I like it stripped down so it's not good for long distances and it sucks in the rain and forget about cold weather. I have my BMW K1200GT for rain, cold, and 800 mile days. My GT has 40,000 miles and is nasty dirty due to all the rain last week. I ride year round and 30F degrees is nothing on the right bike. If you like speed my GT will do 150+ MPH with saddle bags and top box.
KLR: the 650 Kawasaki single-cylinder thumper that will take you to places you shouldn't even go, and will bring you home again. Inexpensive, durable, economical to operate, LOTS of aftermarket support.

I love mine so much so, that if I was forced to select only one bike, it would be the KLR.

A few pictures from my last road trip with my brother. You really can't go wrong with a good sport tourer. You can do these speeds all day long or untill you go to jail.
Well guys thanks for all your suggestions, it is looking like a decision has been made & I am test riding the ZZR1400 on Wednesday, all being well that will be my 2nd bike, it's black & beautiful. Now nobody tell me I need a third one.
That is a serious machine. Of course our R3s are as well, I considered one there for awhile myself. My friends, who ride, talked me out of it. And they all ride sport bikes.

Like I said, serious machine that commands a lot of respect from the owner. I road my buddies GSXR 1000 a couple weeks ago, and that was a lot bike. The power just comes on so much different than our big beasts.

Had a blast on it, and he really liked riding the R3 as well. Those liter bikes and above are just a whole new animal and will put you well into the triple digits well before you realize it is even happening.

That said, I am sure you are going to love it!! Don't get to used to riding it though, the rocket is going to feel like a pig. lol
Congrads on your new bike choice. Not to worry about switching back and forth between bikes. I have no problem going from the R3 beast and my supermoto that weighs only 260lbs. Your brain will adjust.