To bike or not to bike, this is the question

For off season riding, comfort, weather protection and traction would be most important to me. (Here in South Florida there is no such thing as "off-season".) So I'd gravitate to something like a BMW K1200RT with heated seats and grip. Can't think of anything I'd rather ride in inclement weather. And it's much lighter than a Goldwing or something like that.
If I could afford to I'd have many bikes they all have something special about them it's just my rocket would be my favorite

That is so true
I think i should be commited iam going to pick up number six on friday .
Now i have one for every day of the week and sunday an be the day for rest
Told the wife i was getting number six and she just shook her head and said go ahead .
God I love that women
Well guys thanks for all your suggestions, it is looking like a decision has been made & I am test riding the ZZR1400 on Wednesday, all being well that will be my 2nd bike, it's black & beautiful. Now nobody tell me I need a third one.

Jack..i kinda remember reading that there's a new ZZR1400 due this year

Jack..i kinda remember reading that there's a new ZZR1400 due this year


I know that they have launched a new livery this year, black & bright green, looks bloody lovely. I'll need to stick with my 09 model, it's less than 6mths older than my Rocket but done 10,000 miles less. I am assuming here Ray that you are not offering to contribute to me having a new one, please let me know if I'm wrong.
What???? You mean there are other bikes out there besides these Rocket III's??? So when did that start?

I understand that they are still classed as motorbikes, just not recognised as such by Rocketeers, I used to believe that all others came from "Toy's R Us" however I now know better & from now on will do better.
There's no such thing as too many bikes in my opinion.

I'm lucky to have two, but in all honesty the Rocket is and always will be my second bike. I am the original owner of a 1999 Valkyrie that is my first love on two wheels. I plan on having it longer than I'm capable of riding it and it is in my will (the recipient doesn't have an inkling that it will be theirs when I'm gone). I've had a 1400 intruder and an '05 Midnight Warrior as second bikes until I took the fateful test ride on the Rocket in '07 at the Honda Hoot.

If money was no object, there would be at least one HD and BMW in my collection. I'm too old and too fat for anything resembling a sport bike, but sitting on the newest version of the VMax at the NY Int'l MC show last year definitely got the heart to racing. It felt like it was doing 60 just sitting on it. Can't even imagine pouring the throttle to it.