Tire Gel Bad!


Apr 28, 2023
Calaveras County, California
2023 Rocket 3R
For some unknown reason even to myself I decided to put tire gel on my rubbers only to wonder where all those greasy little specs came from. I have never used that crap before on anything probably mostly due to the fact that I hate cleaning vehicles, especially wheels. So here I'm using a dish sponge and wiping this s#it all over my sidewalls only to find out that this makes them super shiny which I'm not crazy about but oh well, it'll mellow out in a couple of days which it apparently did by flinging that stuff all over the place. Even the back of my helmet was not spared.
Then after having reaffirmed to myself prior that I will never clean wheels again before I did this, I had to clean the wheels because shiny rubber and semi-dirty wheels just don't look right. So now I'm sitting on a piece of cardboard for the next 30 min with cleaner and a rag getting into all those nooks and crannies while mumbling to myself "why am I doing this...why am I doing this..." yet getting some weird satisfaction out of the experience. Thankfully everything is black and the shine will be gone before too long, can't stand blingy bikes.
You can find this on Amazon.. . helps me clean my tires with just soap and I can really use some elbow grease

Like the brush - I shall go hunt for one myself. 4 ought (0000) steel wool + any good metal cleaner + minimal elbow grease will make them wheels shine!
Now excuse me, I must go clean my own while I have them off for new tites . . .
This stuff is definitely bad, that thick greasy crap started to migrate outward and wrap itself around onto the edge of the tire tread. I spent a lot of time getting it off first with de-greaser then Isopropyl alcohol followed by a Dawn Dish scrub and another treatment with alcohol. It's all gone now and I'll never do that again.