Timing retard on 2014 R3R?

Saw a few oil drain bolts in my rear view mirrors at RAA 9, think it was more than just unloading front suspension...

Perhaps it was @STRIPES ??? :D
Seeing oil drain bolts would be an entirely different set of parameters.
1) Definitely a wheelie! :thumbsup:
2) You have spectacular vision in seeing those pan bolts through your rear view mirror! :thumbsup:

Apologies for my error - I meant to refer to the blown R3 at Montrose.
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Seen Donny lift the front wheel while spinning the back .. he has Carpenter type cams and exhaust system .. and he's a maniac . Never had my front wheel off the bitumen .. never actually tried to be honest.

I have not done the wheelie thing other than like three times in my 25K+ miles on the Rocket and
my Kaw V2K flat won't do them.
Just never have seen the speed/time/win advantage in a race by doing them.
I would not like to try the get home with a flat front tyre method the making of the Triumph Rocket Utube clip shows ,but when I had my basically stock Suzuki GSX 1400 you could lift the front wheel in 2nd gear without really trying too hard at all ,but that was a much lighter 4 cylinder torque monster. , we probably have seen blokes pop wheelies on plenty of adventure bikes easily.
Wheelies are cool to watch when done in a safe area but I hate seeing anyone, even jerks, bust up a nice bike from a screw up. On my past bikes, (not counting dirt bikes) I only remember the VMax's front wheel coming up twice and both were unintentional and my FZ1 once, again, not on purpose. The scariest wheelie I did on a street bike was when the Ducati demo truck came to Denver and I was on a Hypermotard. I came up to a right hand turn at the corner, dropped down to second, and powered out to keep up to the rest of the crowd. While leaned over, the front wheel came up and I rode it through the corner and a nicely controlled down to earth once upright. Scared the crap out of me and only luck kept me from eating it. That and the fact the bike is super easy to control. One of the guys behind me said it looked cool and glad the tail gunner didn't see it as I would have been kicked off the ride. I told him it was not on purpose and he said "Yeah, right". I don't want to do that again though and truly no desire to do that on my R3.
I've never popped a wheelie but I do often feel the front wheel come off the ground under hard acceleration. Does it in second gear too. It's more a question of timing than straight out power; if I hit it at just the right moment. Recently loaded a tune - first time I've done that - with a higher rev limit. First and only time I've hit that limit in first the front came up about a foot (I was told) when I went into second. Scared the sh#t out of me. I prefer keeping two wheels on the road.
I must be a nerd , i love my Shiny new R3R to much to flog the guts out of it and the longer i stay out of hospital to more i get to ride her.........

Not a nerd mate just a little older and wiser , as they say it's all good fun till someone looses an eye!, I too like my Rocket without battle scars especially avoidable ones from being a goose, been there done that.:whitstling:
I must be a nerd , i love my Shiny new R3R to much to flog the guts out of it and the longer i stay out of hospital to more i get to ride her.........

It took me a while before I started changing things and over 3 years to hit the rev limit. After 4 1/2 years my bike and I have a different understanding than we had when it was shiny new. :)