scot in exile
Living Legend
Meh, the stupid, ignorant and nutty 52% voted them out. Proof that direct democracy is an asinine idea.
This will do serious damage to the UK economy as corporations who set up shop there to trade with the EU suddenly can't trade freely with the EU. They'll abandon the UK and this will do bad things to them economically. Leaving the EU was stupid, and they'll slowly become aware of that over time. And then they'll blame someone else... as ignoramuses usually do.
As for shopping in the UK, keep in mind that it takes a while for exchange rates to adjust on the consumer level, so shopping now with credit card will probably not save you a lot, yet.
A typical response from someone who relies totally on big government and trembles at the thought of change, but then looking at your country of origin it all makes sense the poor people of Finland get told when to breath and when to sneeze and god help them if they go against the grain.
The people voted for right or for wrong the majority voted to leave the EU for those of you who think the EU members will never speak to Britain again are so closed minded it astonishes me that you are capable of riding a bike.
Now open your eyes and look at the big picture here not just what you read online, Scotland did not have one area that voted to leave now this will give the Scottish Independence party more fuel to go for another vote.
Will tell you one thing no Country has bigger balls than the Brits now lets see how these big balls play out