I hope Australia has the common sense to reignite proper trade deals with Britain once again , we need to fux China off as they are sucking the life out of us.
Only if we can screw them sideways like they did when they dumped the 'Commonwealth of Nations' for the EU despite wanting us to still 'tug our forlock' as we bowed. Currently because of their own trade policies only 3% of Australia's trade is with Britain and besides Rockets what have they really got to offer us. Aren't even the Bonnevilles all made in Thailand now.
Besides they just flogged us 3 - nil in the Rugby Union series on our own soil - 1st time in 40+ years, the cheeky sods.
China will give us a real chance to become an 'Asian' nation like our geography dictates. In 50 years or so we wont have to squint as much when we face the sun as we all merge to become the more jaundiced looking 'family of mankind' and everyone will either have straight natural black or red/brown died hair.
Even cr0ft's surviving relatives and their fellow travellers will want to join us in the 'Downunder Republic' after the already middle aged King George VII goes mental like his Great,Great,Great,Great,Great,Great, Great,Great,Great Grand Dad George III and the Monarchy is finally pissed off despite most of the population having renounced them when his Great Grandma died and GIII was never that lonely in his affliction.
'Icehouse' will reform with one of the squillions of Hutchences' bastard children as lead singer.
It's revived song 'Great Southern Land' becomes our new anthem so we will feel good about being crammed together like sardines in a sweltering environment of climate change. Just like a rock concert only better.
It will all be sold to us as one of the 'Most Exciting Times to be an Australian' by both the new 'Liberalised Labor Coalition' PM Jobsan Grothe and the 'Green LGBT Sex Party' Opposition leader Grothen Jobs who switch positions weekly and decide to hold their election campaign launches together on the night after the election as they cannot find any policys to disagree on!!!
Out of the West in the late afternoon (cause even a good squint doesn't protect your eyeballs that well from a post climactic sun) will stride melamoma resistant curly haired 'People of the Earth' who with their 'Hairy' but not so earthly cohabitants of the hinterlands have come to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.
I'm backing the Hairys big time and it ain't just because my back is a pelt and my ears are forests
Lifes so much easier to contemplate if you enjoy taking the piss all the time.

I'm getting ready to get thrown in the stocks and have rotten cabbages and tomatoes thrown at me now

^ And they are the rare ones who got to progress past the gamete tadpole stage, most of whom fell on infertile floors behind doors while their source was hanging around from a belt at the time - David Carradine style. Yeeuuuckk!!!
*Australia has our national Elections next weekend after an 8 week campaign where the political parties only held their campaign launches in the last week or so, as prior to that they can pass all the campaign costs onto the poor old taxpayer instead of funding it out of their own party funds after the 'campaign launch' occurs.

+ A current Aussie scifi dystopian TV series Cleverman that may soon take the world by storm and disrupt Gillette and Ronson Corps markets forever.
Cleverman (TV Series 2016– ) - IMDb