The 3rd world isn't the only group who will be f-cked over in this process and how the hell are 9 Billion plus ever going to maintain and sustain our limited world resources without completely f-cking up the environment. A massive die off is required to return to equilibrium which in all animal populations is through starvation, conflict, disease or natural disaster and some of us shall see all four in action in the next 50 years.

Sadly that's true.
A natural die off over time would do the job; IF the birth rate is curbed. Which it won't be.
So, moderate economic corrections become the least of our worries.

Never-mind all that though. The Gov will give us a teat to suckle at as long as we vote to keep the bankers rich.
The real danger for the US is that Trump will get elected over the economic fallout from Brexit. A stupid decision by Brits will lead to an even stupider one in the US.
Meh, the stupid, ignorant and nutty 52% voted them out. Proof that direct democracy is an asinine idea.

This will do serious damage to the UK economy as corporations who set up shop there to trade with the EU suddenly can't trade freely with the EU. They'll abandon the UK and this will do bad things to them economically. Leaving the EU was stupid, and they'll slowly become aware of that over time. And then they'll blame someone else... as ignoramuses usually do.

As for shopping in the UK, keep in mind that it takes a while for exchange rates to adjust on the consumer level, so shopping now with credit card will probably not save you a lot, yet.

Let er rip, tater chip. Global economy my a$$. Let's drop it down to the lowest common denominator and see who survives. The banks can't forclose on 80 % of the population. Stop being a servant to BIG GOVERMENT. States rights, once again. Illegal, two weeks to leave on your own. Expired Visa you're out too. No more free benefits for the lazy. One country, one language with liberty and justice for all.
Meh, the stupid, ignorant and nutty 52% voted them out. Proof that direct democracy is an asinine idea.

There you go. Our sitting White House resident had a total of 52.9% of the vote in 2008 and 51.1% of the vote in 2012. You don't have to tell me the above, we have been paying for it for nearly 8 years.

There you go. Our sitting White House resident had a total of 52.9% of the vote in 2008 and 51.1% of the vote in 2012. You don't have to tell me the above, we have been paying for it for nearly 8 years.

Hey @Bob R if you're going to cast aspersions, let's at least have all the numbers in front of us. Remember that Dubya won in 2000 with the lesser amount of the popular vote. We're an evenly split country in part because both parties attempt to be everything to everyone, and the media plays soundbites that generate the most controversy. The president isn't king, and it takes congress and special interest money to move things forward. In my opinion it's the job of the president to unite congress, and we only had an increasingly uncooperative and divided congress in the past decade plus.

Popular vote percentages:

Obama 51.1%
Romney 47.2%

Obama 52.9%
McCain 45.7%

Bush 50.7%
Kerry 48.3%

Bush 47.9%
Gore 48.4%

Source: United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Britain is most likely just the first of many. Forget about the short or even mid term economic implications, Europe is now a weak and crumbling notion.
Of intrest is what happens in Ireland, now a land border between Britain and Europe. Could this be the tipping point for a peacefully united Ireland?