Time for a Texas Roll Call

Houston. Got the Rocket in '14. Never saw another one until this year. I see a touring every bike event I go to. I get to ROT in Austin Friday, pull into a gas station first thing I see Touring model at the pump. Sorta makes me feel a little less special :)
Houston. Got the Rocket in '14. Never saw another one until this year. I see a touring every bike event I go to. I get to ROT in Austin Friday, pull into a gas station first thing I see Touring model at the pump. Sorta makes me feel a little less special :)

Look out into the sea of HD's & feel special again :thumbsup:
Man, I have noticed there are a bunch of "fokes" on here from Tejas!
I met a guy 2 weeks ago at a M/C store in Plano that had a new touring, he told me his brother has a roadster & so far, I haven't seen them on here (I did turn him on to this forum)
A lot of you Texians are not putting your location on your Avatar so it is not being noticed as much that there are so many from Texas.
I bet if we get an official roll call we might even out number the OZzie's! ;)
Come on Steers.......... And queers :eek: (I wanted to be first. Knew it would happen, you smart a$$es) - Sound off
Just noticed your post this morning. You have a great idea. Texas roll call. Checking in with you from El Paso. 2013 Rocket 3 Touring.