mmmmm...dunno. Never really researched it. We did get a few Rockets together for a ride on the sisters a few years back. Rented a house with a pool at the Frio Pecan Farm and had a blast. Unfortunately same year we had a rider out of Ft. Worth go down and later succumb to his PTSD and commit suicide. Had a great 15 yr old kid with him that went down also but took it like a champ. Might be time for another little get together in the hill country...will have to think on that
mmmmm...dunno. Never really researched it. We did get a few Rockets together for a ride on the sisters a few years back. Rented a house with a pool at the Frio Pecan Farm and had a blast. Unfortunately same year we had a rider out of Ft. Worth go down and later succumb to his PTSD and commit suicide. Had a great 15 yr old kid with him that went down also but took it like a champ. Might be time for another little get together in the hill country...will have to think on that
Oh man. I'm REALLY sorry to hear that about the vet. God Bless them ALL!
Thanks for the post, and don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start a club here - Just haven't seen anything under the Lone Star Riders Group forum. So just kinda wanted to get a little something started here so that at some time later, maybe some of us could at least meet each other.
I'm not one with a lot of extra time, but if anyone gets out toward East Texas/Tyler area - Or would like to meet up for a ride in your area on a Saturday or Sunday, please PM a conversation with at least a week or two advanced notice
Oh man. I'm REALLY sorry to hear that about the vet. God Bless them ALL!
Thanks for the post, and don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start a club here - Just haven't seen anything under the Lone Star Riders Group forum. So just kinda wanted to get a little something started here so that at some time later, maybe some of us could at least meet each other.
I'm not one with a lot of extra time, but if anyone gets out toward East Texas/Tyler area - Or would like to meet up for a ride in your area on a Saturday or Sunday, please PM a conversation with at least a week or two advanced notice
There is a couple that live not far from Tyler (Emerald Bay out on the lake) that both ride Rockets. Not sure how much time he spends on here anymore though. He rides a 13 Roadster and she rides an 05 Standard. If you ever see them around you can't miss them. His Rocket is gold metal flake. Hers is painted black on one side and white on the other. They also have other bikes so they may slip by in the HD crowd now and then as he has a Streetglide and she has a Road King
There is a couple that live not far from Tyler (Emerald Bay out on the lake) that both ride Rockets. Not sure how much time he spends on here anymore though. He rides a 13 Roadster and she rides an 05 Standard. If you ever see them around you can't miss them. His Rocket is gold metal flake. Hers is painted black on one side and white on the other. They also have other bikes so they may slip by in the HD crowd now and then as he has a Streetglide and she has a Road King
Ha Ha... I don't ride with groups so seeing them would be hit or miss at best. I have actually seen one (black) going thru Chandler & met a guy at a gas station (in his cage) that told me he had one & lives in Brownsboro. And I have a friend who told me that a guy he takes Krav Maga martial arts classes with has one. So there are a lot more of them around us than we think
That was really what caused me to start this thread...... Maybe get em out of the closet?
Anyway, have a great day R3Tex!
mmmmm...dunno. Never really researched it. We did get a few Rockets together for a ride on the sisters a few years back. Rented a house with a pool at the Frio Pecan Farm and had a blast. Unfortunately same year we had a rider out of Ft. Worth go down and later succumb to his PTSD and commit suicide. Had a great 15 yr old kid with him that went down also but took it like a champ. Might be time for another little get together in the hill country...will have to think on that
I get daily compliments on my R3T ( black and cream, and chrome ), in traffic, at stop lights, in parking lots, gas stations, at Harley dealerships, everywhere!!! People are constantly rolling down their car windows, or walking up to me, etc. It feels great, especially out here in West Texas, because I never see another Rocket anywhere. Only my own, ( so far ). People stare all the time, trying to figure out, ( I believe ), which Harley my bike is. It takes folks a while to accept, and finally realize, that it's not a Harley at all. Then, people start to get excited. I already am. When you talk about "hill country"? There's nothing but hills out here in El Paso. Not only hills, but mountains too. My wife found my 2013 R3T in New Jersey, and I traveled there to buy it. Then I rode it 2,200 miles to El Paso. A Texas meet-up would be great someday. Probably the only way I'll ever see another Rocket in this State... Russell