Time for a Texas Roll Call

I get daily compliments on my R3T ( black and cream, and chrome ), in traffic, at stop lights, in parking lots, gas stations, at Harley dealerships, everywhere!!! People are constantly rolling down their car windows, or walking up to me, etc. It feels great, especially out here in West Texas, because I never see another Rocket anywhere. Only my own, ( so far ). People stare all the time, trying to figure out, ( I believe ), which Harley my bike is. It takes folks a while to accept, and finally realize, that it's not a Harley at all. Then, people start to get excited. I already am. When you talk about "hill country"? There's nothing but hills out here in El Paso. Not only hills, but mountains too. My wife found my 2013 R3T in New Jersey, and I traveled there to buy it. Then I rode it 2,200 miles to El Paso. A Texas meet-up would be great someday. Probably the only way I'll ever see another Rocket in this State... Russell
I know what you mean. Most popular questions I get. Is it a Harley? Absolutely not it's a Triumph. Follow up question, who makes Triumph? And lately the most popular, is it a six cylinder? The best riding in Texas is the Big Ben area, tried to relocate there decades ago, didn't work out. Congrats you've got the best bike and the best roads to rid it on:thumbsup:
Buddy of mine and I did a down Saturday back Sunday DFW - Big Bend a few years ago. Fun ride and good saddle time.

Stayed off the super slab going took 20 back. Both agreed we should have stayed off 20.
My experience one has to be a little careful picking back roads and planning 600 miles in a day.

But I really like the small towns and scenery that one can’t see any other way.
Yeah.... I'd like to make a run like that too. On the back roads. I really dislike having to outrun everyone on the Interstates, just to keep them away from me, cause they're gawking, and so forth. Makes me remember when I was a kid, and I would drive in a very obnoxious way, trying to run next to motorcycles, ( or trying to outrun motorcycles ), with my car. Just so I could look closely at them. Almost as if I was trying to challenge them. Nowadays, at over the age of 60, I still remember. The people I see doing it now are not always teenagers either. But, count me "in", if the Texas Rockets ever get together... Russell
I could probably dredge up 6 or 7 Rockets from around here and a couple of Bonnies for a Texas road trip. Big Bend or The Sisters?