Thinking to buy 2014 Roadster

I would assume that it is the same sort of warranty that certified cars get? But that was my first reaction, too. Why the used bike gets the factory warranty!?
backfire= popping through air filters. ?
mine has tors and bangs on decel at about 1500 rpm but has never bang while sitting still.
u may be need more info on this.

Not sure where exactly it came from but I think I felt it under the seat area? It just backfired several times when I revved quick and hard in neutral/stop.
Now I found another deal. It's 2012 with only 3,500 miles. Asking for the price right now. So what's the difference other than colors between 2012 model and 2014-2016 models? Exactly the same?
Now I found another deal. It's 2012 with only 3,500 miles. Asking for the price right now. So what's the difference other than colors between 2012 model and 2014-2016 models? Exactly the same?
There were a lot of updates in 2010, but nothing significant since then.
Now I found another deal. It's 2012 with only 3,500 miles. Asking for the price right now. So what's the difference other than colors between 2012 model and 2014-2016 models? Exactly the same?
4 and 2 years
Thanks! Good to know they are the same bike! Is it pretty common that they don't change things around at all over years? It is 4+ years that they have not touched the bike except for the colors?
By the way, thanks for your comment/support on this, all!
I bought my 2013 last fall with 3,400 miles, Corbin windshield and beetle bags for $9,000 in immaculate condition. It was not a dealer though and I had to drive 300 miles to nab it within a few hours of posting on Craigslist. Just really lucky and no regrets whatsoever! Of course I didn't get a warranty of any kind and took my chances.
That's a great deal! Bike has no issue at all?