Thinking to buy 2014 Roadster

Any time you get a warranty is a good thing. Especially with motorcycles. I even got a routine service agreement on mine! Regular maintenance for two years!
Any time you get a warranty is a good thing. Especially with motorcycles. I even got a routine service agreement on mine! Regular maintenance for two years!
You know they only paid low book on it, if that. I'd say you have a lot of room to negotiate. 10k out the door would seem like a fair price to me.

I'd agree, I can do $10K OTD with 2 yr warranty.

I will double-check to see if it is aftermarket full warranty or factory warranty. I'd assume the coverage by both warranties would be the same? Good point that OTD $11K should have included the warranty + mark-up. Thanks for the info on the shipment cost also. For $500-1500, if I end up with buying online, I'd fly over and make sure the bike is in condition before handing over cash and ride back during my vacation!
Any time you get a warranty is a good thing. Especially with motorcycles. I even got a routine service agreement on mine! Regular maintenance for two years!
Since this will be my first Triumph, having a warranty would be good as I don't know the quality of Triumph. I bet it's not as good as Japanese bie that I used to own before. ('06 ZZR1200).
They are better bikes than they were in the 70's....but technology has a cost in the form occasional mechanical hiccups. I think mine is going to be trooper though, so long as I keep up with good maintenance practices.
Second, you're not being offered a 2 year factory warranty. You're probably being offered a 2 year aftermarket full warranty (at a dealer markup, incorporated into your otd price) which you could always buy on your own, probably for less money.

Just reconfirmed that it is 2 year "factory" warranty, not aftermarket warranty. But if aftermarket warranty offers the same coverage as factory one does (or better) and is cheaper, I'd try to see if I can get the bike w/o factory warranty. And get the warranty somewhere else.
BTW, I keep forgetting to ask you this. But is it normal for this bike to get backfire when you rev in the neutral in the hot weather? (90+F degree, 30+ C degree) When I tested the bike, I had several backfires when I rev the bikes. (Maybe because it was sitting on the floor for a while?)
I would be getting the "2 year factory warranty" in writing and signed from the date you purchased it. Why does a 2 year old used bike have a factory warranty - I'm suspicious, maybe someone had a major issue and triumph replaced the bike then repaired this one now it's back on the market.
As for the popping - the R3 tune is lean for emissions - this can be overcome
backfire= popping through air filters. ?
mine has tors and bangs on decel at about 1500 rpm but has never bang while sitting still.
u may be need more info on this.
Mine has Jardine pipes, and the alternate factory tune was way too lean, I trimmed it rich at low and medium throttle settings and disabled the o2 sensor. No popping and much more spirited acceleration.