Things I love about “The South”

Brickie = bricklayer possible u know as Mason? When I started work many years ago (in the sunny weather) they would wear ONLY a thong and boots, maximum sun tan on those difficult to reach bits. These days ppe (personal protective equipment) enforced by HSE, (Health and Safety executive) means I no longer have to suffer the sight of sweaty burned hairy arses.

Thank god for bureaucracy!;):D:thumbsup:
Masons are Stoneworkers out there?

Usually called masons here and they work mostly with concrete blocks altho some will do stonework. We also have bricklayers but I think that is a dying art. Not sure what stonework is in GB but here it is generally similar sized pieces, 2-3" thick made in a factory for consistency that are mortared onto a concrete wall. Full real stone would be cost prohibitive.
i threw a lot of stones when i was young does that make me a mason:laugh:
just a little story.
i was sitting in a class at the first of the year and the teacher was telling that he was fair and never listen to what the other teachers said but he said if a teacher tells me that little joey hits u in the back of the head with an eraser the first time u turn around u can bet a dollar that i will be watching little joey:roll::roll::roll:
Full real stone would be cost prohibitive.

Nah, I've done tons of it, not as quick as precast stone, but there are a few of us that still do it reasonable. Most of my pics are on a hard drive somewhere, wall in foreground is artificial, but chimney in background is local field stones, 24' tall.

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I had the privilege and joy of watching a craftsman build a fireplace with two-story chimney for a neighbor.

They were real stones, don't know what kind - not rounded like those.

A truck delivered the stone, and he took all day moving the pile from the bed of the truck, one by one, to a new pile next to the work site.

It was amazing to watch him pick the individual stones, knock a little off here and there, and carefully fit it, then apply the mortar and place it finally. I can't remember how long it took -- two weeks maybe -- beautiful.