Things I love about “The South”

We don't ask for forgiveness nor do we ask for quarter from those that would pursue or castigate us for we are born Southern and the honor that is set into our very souls shall not be denied. We don't ask for understanding, we only ask to be left alone.

Ah, so well said my friend!

Old Times Here Are Not Forgotten.
The most fundamental and important of all rights. Why despite being a lifelong Yankee and despite everything I was taught in school and despite the issue of slavery, I consider the South to have owned the moral high ground in the Civil War. The war was over the South's attempt to walk away, just as the Colonials did in 1776.

Nailed it Chris...........
@Steel ...I don't think we can hang with these two (@EasTexRIII & @RKTNMYPKT) on here anymore and Norm with his spandex is questionable too!:unsure:o_O:rolleyes::whitstling:;););)...after all, we do have standards to uphold ya know...albeit low, but standards nontheless!:D

We have standards? Since when, nobody told me.