The real blue will cost ya brother, you get what you pay for, pay for the good stuff and deliver. We talked about this. cheap chinese dont fly and you know sonny aint gonna condone going with cheap stuff.
The real blue will cost ya brother, you get what you pay for, pay for the good stuff and deliver. We talked about this. cheap chinese dont fly and you know sonny aint gonna condone going with cheap stuff.
Well Am good.
Now i can get busy this weekend. Ordered a new oil chain Just because. The rectifier goes with the new stator. Order one you might as well order the other or find yourself running two batteries when only one is really required. Yes 100% Triumph. Understand that there is aftermarket out there that are cheaper but my question is were are they really made.? Plus i do not wish to see my Oil screens in the pan fill up with Burned coating from the stator. Simple case of you pay for what you get. I have never had a problem with the stock charging system Just decided to replace. At 69,000 miles and understanding now what is required to replace if it goes out figured screw it. Get her done. Really need to vacuum and Mop the shed floor. Figure in the morning will get started.
Starter was installed after pic.
New stator. New gaskets. Sealed with permatex which holds the gaskets in place. Loctite 242 which locks the bolts in place. Proper tools for the job. Along with a few good torque wrenches.
Life goes on. Right tools and the right attitude. Speed means nothing if you can not run over 100,000 miles on a rebuild. Get her built in two days and then trailer to where you need to Go? Get her built to run over 200 MPH just to tear her apart a month later ? NOT. Do it right the first time and ride many of miles. The output shaft was a piece of cake. Then again even with the right tools and attitude you still need the Key ingredient
Starter was installed after pic.
New stator. New gaskets. Sealed with permatex which holds the gaskets in place. Loctite 242 which locks the bolts in place. Proper tools for the job. Along with a few good torque wrenches.
Life goes on. Right tools and the right attitude. Speed means nothing if you can not run over 100,000 miles on a rebuild. Get her built in two days and then trailer to where you need to Go? Get her built to run over 200 MPH just to tear her apart a month later ? NOT. Do it right the first time and ride many of miles. The output shaft was a piece of cake. Then again even with the right tools and attitude you still need the Key ingredient
Come on man I gotta know what's the Pledge for? I tried it on my brakes and now they don't squeak and are very shiny. I also kinda like that burning lemon smell.