Brake Job from start to finish.

must have along with simple green. Spray everything down with brake cleaner. Then follow up with simple green. A good rinse is required. Follow up with the Alcohol. The alcohol will displace the water.

I replaced all the rubber boots with new ones. Reason is simple as time goes along. Do clean out all of the pin and insert areas. Grease the hell out of them.

Ok back to the seals and pistons. I used a very small and pointed prick (aircraft Term) to remove old seals.

New seals are a must have if you remove the Pistons. You think not then you're a braver man than me. Next I inserted new seals starting with the main seal not the outer dust seal. They only go in one way. Fingered no tools allowed. You get it right they will go in with no binding at all. As you insert your finger and pull outward you will feel a lip on the inside main seal. If not you screwed up and need to start over. Dust seals are a no brainer.

After you slide the two parts together with excessive amount of grease go ahead and clean up. Final assemble to follow

New clips are a must have

You all getting this?

Now with the new rubber boots and the proper amount of grease the two pieces will slid back and forth. New Pistons and seals installed correctly and you have some good working back brakes.

I very seldom use my back brakes. When I do they need to work properly. Here In Oklahoma we have mostly straight Highways But if a emergency stop or slow down is required I do want the **** things to work.