I'd forgotten that I wasn't smoking any more. It's easy to forget. It's been since January now. I have gotten larger in circumference, I'll equate that to the hard candy.
This guy with the HD came to me on a recommendation of a dealer I know. No one around here can mount and align a sidecar...remember, sidecars require leanout and toe in and steering dampers because modern motorcycles don't have enough trail in the front end to negate headshake. He's spent a ton of money on his outfit and I'm gonna relieve him of some more.....
Not too much, just a bit. HD owners have money. Look at what they ride.....
Like the flamethrower I've been working on, I never turn away work. It's all fun even though, this time it does interfere with with something I want to do. I like travelling by motorcycle anyway and I'm sure my Classic is just fine now that's it's rebuilt. I've been riding it as much as possible. I try to rotate through all 3 bikes and put equal mileage on each even though it's hard to go from a 2 wheeler to an offset 3 wheeler and back again. I have to be really careful or I'll wind up in the ditch.
Remember, I'm retired and living solely on a pension. My teaching job want away last fall (thanks to the recession), so all I have is my stipend and whatever I can bring in, in the shop and a little bit from the website...**** little there. I try to give you guys the best prices possible so there isn't much left to play with.
Speaking of websites, I'm going to reduce the prices of all the Flipmeisters Signature Products (The stuff I make)....The Brake Line Clamps, the Handlebar Clamps and all the radiator inserts. The Pannier Liner Kits will come down a bit, but not as much as the stainless and aluminum items. The reason why is that the price of materials is actually coming down, something I find odd considering the price of food is going up. HDPE isn't coming down like metal and if it comes down, I'll reduce the price of the Pannier Liner Kit in relationship to the decrease.
I'll post more about the prices in the next few days in another thread.
This is the forst RAA I've missed, well, the second. I didn't make the first one in Kansas City that Tomo put on but that one was a dinner run. This one will make two for two. I promise I'll make the next one no matter where it is. If it's the Left Coast, I'll have to trailer out, but I'll be there.
On another note, I have my potatoes and onions planted as well as my sprouts, cabbage and brocoli. I have to get the beans, peppers and corn in yet. Being retired means being in the garden too.
You guys all be careful and no consuming and driving. you all know what my view on alcohol is.
I'll be thinking about you and wishing I was there, but, duty calls. I can't turn down a good paying job or a customer. I'm way too small to be independent. Chrysler got independent and look what happened to them.