"The Mistress No More"

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After your wing is stabilized with the smaller brace it might just be a good time for a little travel while your off.
I Wish !!!!! need money for that and I have to look after every cent I have in case I run out of sick/ holiday and long service leave before I am able to get back to work
Hans...I haven't commented much because it pains me to see a family member wounded. However, the best things are often those that are wounded, thought beyond repair, and yet brought back to life by a considerate soul. Don't write the mistress off just yet...she may turn out to be your crowning glory. After all, you have shared quite a bit of road, some gravel and a busted wing...what else can life throw you? While scuffed up, she doesn't look beyond repair...just my thoughts anyway. Mend quickly and painlessly my friend
In Australia that bike is (will be) considered a "Statutory Write Off" meaning it will NEVER be registered for road use ever again. This decision is made by the insurance assessor. Judging by the pics and my professional experience in written off vehicles - the mistress is a goner sorry @HansO
In Australia that bike is (will be) considered a "Statutory Write Off" meaning it will NEVER be registered for road use ever again. This decision is made by the insurance assessor. Judging by the pics and my professional experience in written off vehicles - the mistress is a goner sorry @HansO
No Need to be sorry Tony, I was sure it would be a write off as soon as I saw the pictures, the impact that caused the front end damage would almost certainly have bent/stressed or twisted something in the headstock and the impact that could cause the rear end/ wheel damage would have done a lot of unseen damage as well
depending on whether its written off, which I suspect it will be and how long I am of work I will more than likely get something smaller and lighter like a Tiger 800 XCx which I was hoping to get once I got my debt under control, if that does happen there will be some Rocket spares up for sale as I have heaps of service spares a parts but first I will have get back to work as I might end up having to live of that insurance money once I exhaust all my Leave options at work but we will cross that bridge when we get there, weird as it seems even thou I am now in a more comfortable cast I only slept about 2 hours last night ...... geeez the things that go thru your mind when you are laying not sleeping
Brother, you already had the lighter Rocket, don't go back to kid bikes... :)
time to find a rocket with a bad trans and do a heart transplant an bring her back to life.:)
I sure came to this party late. I just want to add that you look a whole bunch better than the the Mistress. Pains me to hear about all the pain you're going through also. So glad you will get healed up and pray you can continue all the fun things you enjoy so much. Man O man Hans! Gonna put a beer in that Aussie cooler you handed out and toast one to you. Good on ya Mate!
To big and to heavy to get in to the FORREST trails the bigger versions are more for open country and out back dirt roads, the 800 cc still has enough power to tour with if needed but more importantly much more nimble in tighter terrain I plan to use it in ..... in the case of going bush "bigger is not always better" I have mates who have had Vstrom 1000's and have traded back down to the 650cc versions and found them better, there is a very big difference in weight between the 800 compared to the 1050/1215 models and not as much difference in power between so the power to weight ratio is better for the smaller 800's

It looks like you and I may turn up to RDU Nyngan on non Rockets ,mine is in the large hands (maulers) of my son who is going to pull it apart to see what is making all the noise I suspect worn gears selector/ fork also cam chain tensioner issues, anyhoo I am about to pull the trigger on a Kawasaki 1400 GTR just got to squeeze the steeler a bit harder
I know its not a Rocket and I am not gunna talk up other bikes on this forum :cautious::cautious:
Our rides are but one aspect of our lives which we share -- the sharing is what is important.

And besides, we'll all approach that point one way or another, sooner or later, and you are trailblazers of a kind - going where no Rocket man has gone before, so to speak.
Our rides are but one aspect of our lives which we share -- the sharing is what is important.

And besides, we'll all approach that point one way or another, sooner or later, and you are trailblazers of a kind - going where no Rocket man has gone before, so to speak.

I may be like big Arnie and say "ill be baaark" or like a friend of mine and an on and off brother in law who has married my sister twice with one wife in between
Just "dropped in" to catch up with the news.. that's not good at all Hanso, Great that you are OK (if not a little sore). I know how much "the Mistress" means to you, so hopefully it's just a bit of hardware and a few ornaments. Get well little buddy!!
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