"The Mistress No More"

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Glad your ok and heal quick . Did you still have the car tyre on the rear when this happened ?
yes it was and insurance company knows about it, has no problem about it
What's going on @HansO, any updates?
still in a lot of pain as arm has not been set yet, have appointment with orthopedic specialist on Wednesday, will know more then hopefully, just hope I have enough sick leave up my sleeve
As for the Cause I Think it was caused by a Freak Micro burst of Air catching the Large Screen causing the Tank Slapper ... I Just Wasn't able to pull out of it
yes it was and insurance company knows about it, has no problem about it
still in a lot of pain as arm has not been set yet, have appointment with orthopedic specialist on Wednesday, will know more then hopefully, just hope I have enough sick leave up my sleeve
As for the Cause I Think it was caused by a Freak Micro burst of Air catching the Large Screen causing the Tank Slapper ... I Just Wasn't able to pull out of it
Any word on fixing/writing off the mistress?
yes it was and insurance company knows about it, has no problem about it
still in a lot of pain as arm has not been set yet, have appointment with orthopedic specialist on Wednesday, will know more then hopefully, just hope I have enough sick leave up my sleeve
As for the Cause I Think it was caused by a Freak Micro burst of Air catching the Large Screen causing the Tank Slapper ... I Just Wasn't able to pull out of it
Amazed that your arm hasn't been set. Hope you get pain free real soon and you have enough sick leave to cover it. When all's said and done you're not exactly pulling a sickie are you.
yes it was and insurance company knows about it, has no problem about it
still in a lot of pain as arm has not been set yet, have appointment with orthopedic specialist on Wednesday, will know more then hopefully, just hope I have enough sick leave up my sleeve
As for the Cause I Think it was caused by a Freak Micro burst of Air catching the Large Screen causing the Tank Slapper ... I Just Wasn't able to pull out of it

On a trip to California many a year ago, I was approaching a thunderstorm. It was still sunny where I was. Had a burst of air come at me from the left and almost blew me into the ditch (at 70+ mph). I only had a tiny flyscreen type shield on that bike. Scared me pretty good.

Why are they waiting to set your arm ? I always thought you did that right away. Sorry about your pain brother, hoping you put this behind you soon :(
I have never heard of a break not being set post haste....it could try to heal in it's cockeyed state, and have to be rebroken to straighten up otherwise! Lean sumpin' new everyday ya do!
I have never heard of a break not being set post haste....it could try to heal in it's cockeyed state, and have to be rebroken to straighten up otherwise! Lean sumpin' new everyday ya do!
I had a break in the upper humourus and they never set that as the bones were more or less in line . Had a sling just like handso , a really painful way to heal and left bit of a bend but no screws to hurt on a cold frosty morning !
I have screws and rods in my back, but they do not tell the weather for bone has grown all round them. I can even get through a metal detector without it screaming!
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