"The Mistress No More"

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UGH! Sorry to hear but glad you are able to be here and share your sad news... May you mend quickly and feel the wind in your face again shortly thereafter...
Finally got wifi working here at RAT Hahndorf. GREAT TO SEE SUCH AN OUTPOURING OF SUPPORT. From his own pictures and texts/calls it seems @HansO is already well on the road to recovery assisted by the loving support of all especially now he is home with Ann. The next few months will be trying but hopefully the frame is straight and as I know the luggage took most of the impact a good payout and lots of us dipping into our extensive spares may get 'The 'Mistress' back on the road possibly a different skin color but with the same old heart.

I have a set of Phantom Black tins from Graham White an ex R3Owners forum poster @gra53. I got them cheap and will pass on the same. (Tank, f&r guards, side covers). Also have spare stock Roadster bars, end weights, grips, Horn cover, radiator hoses and Roadster manifold, covers and stock Roadster pipes/collector - {spares from mine & Graham), Roadster screen and fittings, leather panniers & frames (from deceased 'Blasted Bones'}.

We will need levers and headlights, radiator, rear and front rims possibly but I know HansO has a spare rear wheel already. F&R blinkers possibly, also foot brake and gear levers.

Engine and diff appeared OK and not leaking fluids from memory when loading on tow vehicle.

Front end to be assessed. Corbin dual tour unscathed, rear brake caliper cactus I think. I have a tow bar too will never need.

@Ishrub @HansO When the dust settles a bit and Hans has a chance to make up his mind about what's to be done with the bike I for one would appreciate a list of whats needed to put her back on the road if thats the decision. I have various bits and pieces laying about that I would love to donate to this worthy cause and I'm sure there are others with similar thoughts
Don't worry Hans when you get to Nyngan I am sure we will find an old shearer who will be able to crutch and dag you like they do to the sheep :laugh:

Had to look that one up!
My mental pix of someone doing that to HansO tis burned in forever!!! :roll: :sick: :oops: :thumbsup:
Had to look that one up!
My mental pix of someone doing that to HansO tis burned in forever!!! :roll: :sick: :oops: :thumbsup:

When I was transporting Sheep in a stock trailer to the Gosford abattoirs a couple of times they would throw in a couple of scrub rams that the dogs had rounded, up some of these had been out running wild on the back acres of the properties and had not been crutch sheared and dagged for a long time if ever, a billy goat in the wild stinks but nothing stinks like a daggy sheep, every time you slowed down the smell would catch you and looking in the mirrors in the city traffic you could see the people in the cars behind the trailer didn't appreciate a bit of country air,
Thanks Guys, not really sure what happen I had notice a small amout of side wind bursts earlier but they only gave the clear view screen a tiny wiggle, I am only guessing when I say that there may have been some debris on the road that i happen to miss with possibly touch up from a gust but all i know is it was like the bars were reefed out of my hands i tried to wrestle it back under control but failed
So sorry to hear the bad news...Heal quickly my friend...rides can be replaced...friends not so easily....Mike
@HansO Anything I have not currently fitted to my bike is up for offer if it helps repair the mistress when you have your repair list if you decide to do so.

Hope all is wel with you given the circumstances.
**** HansO. I'm sorry you broke your arm but happy you are still with us. I hope you heal fast brother.
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