"The Mistress No More"

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UGH! Sorry to hear but glad you are able to be here and share your sad news... May you mend quickly and feel the wind in your face again shortly thereafter...

@Ishrub @HansO When the dust settles a bit and Hans has a chance to make up his mind about what's to be done with the bike I for one would appreciate a list of whats needed to put her back on the road if thats the decision. I have various bits and pieces laying about that I would love to donate to this worthy cause and I'm sure there are others with similar thoughts
Don't worry Hans when you get to Nyngan I am sure we will find an old shearer who will be able to crutch and dag you like they do to the sheep

Had to look that one up!
My mental pix of someone doing that to HansO tis burned in forever!!!
Had to look that one up!
My mental pix of someone doing that to HansO tis burned in forever!!!

When I was transporting Sheep in a stock trailer to the Gosford abattoirs a couple of times they would throw in a couple of scrub rams that the dogs had rounded, up some of these had been out running wild on the back acres of the properties and had not been crutch sheared and dagged for a long time if ever, a billy goat in the wild stinks but nothing stinks like a daggy sheep, every time you slowed down the smell would catch you and looking in the mirrors in the city traffic you could see the people in the cars behind the trailer didn't appreciate a bit of country air,
So sorry to hear the bad news...Heal quickly my friend...rides can be replaced...friends not so easily....Mike
@HansO Anything I have not currently fitted to my bike is up for offer if it helps repair the mistress when you have your repair list if you decide to do so.

Hope all is wel with you given the circumstances.
**** HansO. I'm sorry you broke your arm but happy you are still with us. I hope you heal fast brother.
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