"The Mistress No More"

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Hans you look pretty good for a guy who just tumble off a totaled bike. You must have had on all your gear. It is good news ;) you are getting a refund and the Tee Shirt to boot. That shirt will have a good story to go with it. Keep it forever. :thumbsup:
Finally got wifi working here at RAT Hahndorf. GREAT TO SEE SUCH AN OUTPOURING OF SUPPORT. From his own pictures and texts/calls it seems @HansO is already well on the road to recovery assisted by the loving support of all especially now he is home with Ann. The next few months will be trying but hopefully the frame is straight and as I know the luggage took most of the impact a good payout and lots of us dipping into our extensive spares may get 'The 'Mistress' back on the road possibly a different skin color but with the same old heart.

I have a set of Phantom Black tins from Graham White an ex R3Owners forum poster @gra53. I got them cheap and will pass on the same. (Tank, f&r guards, side covers). Also have spare stock Roadster bars, end weights, grips, Horn cover, radiator hoses and Roadster manifold, covers and stock Roadster pipes/collector - {spares from mine & Graham), Roadster screen and fittings, leather panniers & frames (from deceased 'Blasted Bones'}.

We will need levers and headlights, radiator, rear and front rims possibly but I know HansO has a spare rear wheel already. F&R blinkers possibly, also foot brake and gear levers.

Engine and diff appeared OK and not leaking fluids from memory when loading on tow vehicle.

Front end to be assessed. Corbin dual tour unscathed, rear brake caliper cactus I think. I have a tow bar too will never need.
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Hanso, not sure if you are up with the latest ways of the boys in blue but make sure you tell them about the wallaby that unexpectedly jumped out and caused the incident. Wouldn't like to see you hit with a careless driving fine. Its happened before on runs with mates of mine
Better still - " I swear officer I had to swerve - I dunno what it was but It looked exactly like the Tassie Tiger".
I have a set of Phantom Black tins from Graham White an ex R3Owners forum poster @gra53. I got them cheap and will pass on the same. (Tank, f&r guards, side covers). Also have spare stock Roadster bars, end weights, grips, Horn cover, radiator hoses and Roadster manifold, covers and stock Roadster pipes/collector - {spares from mine & Graham), Roadster screen and fittings, leather panniers & frames (from deceased 'Blasted Bones'}.

And here he is...

NO FLIP-FLOPS?!?!?!?!?!
Sheet sorry to hear mate and sorry i havnt responded earlier, not been online.Hope you heal well old mate, looking forwatd to seeing what your next ride is , chin up buddy
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