The famous starter click

Thanks for the generous offer Scott ! I'll order one today. I just need to get it done sometime before we go to MV.
Thanks for the generous offer Scott ! I'll order one today. I just need to get it done sometime before we go to MV.
Its no problem bud if you want I send you one of the kits just in case yours takes its time getting there just let me know.
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Today my starter would click but the engine wouldn't turn over. I'm guessing my starter switch on the end of the solenoid is going bad. Can you get replacement parts for them or is it typical Triumph and you have to buy an entire starter ?
Hay Fred its Geno" I bought your heel-toe; I have a brand new solenoid rebuild kit which i never used, if you should need one, I will send you mine no cost bro" also I have this rebuild kit because i replaced the whole starter and solenoid with brandy new 1.4kw starter from Discount starter & Alternator $82.00 shipped! Something to consider here is the site Good luck Be Safe! Discount Starter & Alternator
  • SKU: 17774N_PLA-47

A very generous offer Geno ! I have a new one ordered. I don't need it for a couple weeks, but thanks !
Paul @Joesmoe generously sent me his spare kit in case my ordered one didn't make it in time. It hadn't did the click thing since I started the thread, but its best to stay ahead of these things. Took it apart yesterday. The contacts didn't look to bad, I could have probably just cleaned them up. I did save them for an emergency. I was asked to do a tutorial on the change out and completely forgot . It rained yesterday, which screwed up my plans for the day so I just found something to do indoors. Didn't remember "lunch time learning" till I was back in the house
Yer a funny guy Battery is only two years old. Pretty sure it's the starter switch. If I click it a couple times it spins over at normal speed. Warp had a link to a place that sold repair parts, but the link doesn't work anymore
you bought off the guy on craigslist two years ago but he had it in his bike for four years so it is SIX yrs old
Fred, just wondering if the kit cleared up your issue. I am having the same problem.