The BEST MOD ever

@mully95 - Thank you for the additional feed back as well. Being I have the touring, there will be keys for certain items, (bags), and I do have to worry about the gas thing unfortunately here in lovely California.... but, pulling them out for specific items like that as opposed to jumping on and going is fine by me, plus the lack of scratches and hassle for my over anal mind on my chrome finishes is well worth it.... (unless of course DEcosse has some ideas for those items as well ). I love seeing all the great feedback on things that work well and the awesome results of someone sharing for the benefit of others to enjoy the experience..

Well done DEcosse, well done....

@DEcosse - I am in Southern Cal down near San Diego area. I do enjoy my rides for sure, just acquired my Rocket, which was my end game bike. When I got my TBird, it had 3000 miles on it (May of 2015) now has I may do the mod to both bikes at some point due to the non preferential location of the TBird ignition if one may be available (side discussion) but love the idea and feedback for my Rocket (her name is Lois, lol). She is too quiet and needs some noise and extra attitude, but all in all I can say I LOVE THIS RIDE...

Thanks to all for the input, help and kindness shown, great group of folks.
...I'm not too paranoid about my gas getting stolen so I bought a keyless gas cap yesterday.

I keep the locked gas primarily to prevent anyone from f'ing with the fuel tank and putting stuff in (sugar, water, dirt, etc.). Preventing fuel theft is lower down on my priority list. I'm definitely not comfortable with how easy it is to sabotage the oil tank...
any pics info regarding the keyless mod ??

Hi tails,

If you read up in the thread, DEcosse responded to me indicating he has pics, video and details in his prior threads and signature. I checked them out, pretty informative, so I contacted him myself for pricing to add to my wish list of items.. take a pick up the thread.. good stuff..

Hope that helps.
Ken DEcousse did keyless for my Bonnie, great product, great guidance, from a great bloke.
He also did the PDM 60 for me as well, happy with that too.

Info on the gas cap please