scot in exile

Living Legend
Jan 14, 2006
Fort walton Beach FL, Glenrothes Fife
2011 Rocket
Big thank you to Russia and the good Russian people, they put on a World Cup Tournament that everyone agrees was the best run/organized tournament ever.
Congrats to France for lifting the World Cup they are truly in a very select group of Countries
Thank you to Croatia a team that does not know the words "give up" they had to battle every game they played and battle they did.

As they play the National Anthems of each country the best were

1-Most patriotic- has to go to France

2-Most manly -has to go to Germany, any anthem with women and wine in the anthem has to be manly

3-Best Anthem -has to go to Uruguay, it is a work of art and would not be out of place in a opera house.

Biggest eff heads has to go to the South American teams what a bunch of wankers, flopping and diving all over the place then crying like little kids when they lose-eff them all.

Most gracious team and fans have to go to Japan, the fans after each game they played stayed behind and help pick up the trash and the team received high compliments for the way they left the changing rooms in fact one Russian stadium worker said they were cleaner than when the arrived .
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I have no problem with the Russian people, however, as a living witness to the majority of The Cold War and the ongoing revival of a second iteration of said 'war', I have major problems with their current government, primarily due to their apparent 'President for Life', the malevolent and tyrannical leader of Russia, Mr. Putin. He is, individually, our country's most dangerous enemy.

So, sure, "Yay soccer" and "Screw The Russian Federation" as they now like to call their federal governing entity.
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