Suspension set up

So yeah I guess I should have mentioned: my settings above and the rough procedure I outlined do not take comfort into account. My concerns are predictable and responsive handling. The suggestions in the manual were adequate. But since this is the first time I've had a bike with so much adjustability I wanted to try coming up with something more optimal. There is necessarily a compromise between comfort and handling - a suspension tuned for speeding down twisty, bumpy back roads will not be comfortable for hours on a slab highway.

Tire pressure is really a different subject. The compromise there is typically between traction, responsive steering, and heat. Lower pressure somewhat mimics softer damping which may feel more comfortable, but less predictably than softening damping directly at the suspension. Usually the goal of lower pressure is increased traction at the cost of increased heat and slower steering response. While the goal of increased pressure is increased steering response and longevity at the cost of lower traction.

Everything is a compromise. Factory suggestions are a compromise that the engineers thought would cover more people than not. If you find yourself in the "not" category, then you have to find the balance that works best for you.
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Same here, much happier now with the settings from Col & Zig
Yesterday I changed the setup similarly.
Front Comp 2
Front Reb 2,5
Rear Comp 3,5
Rear Reb 3,5
Rear Preload 8 (or 9)
It is still stiff, but much better than stock settings.
The more you back off the damping the softer the ride will feel. Damping rates determine the speed the spring compresses or expands, the closer you get to a pogo stick the softer the ride feels.
My ride has been transformed.......From harsh rear end to the opposite end of the spectrum....Pretty **** excellent.
I saw Col & Zig's youtube video ages ago and have been intending to use their settings, but i've been a bit lazy about it, but last night I got around to doing it and today i've just done 180 miles on roads that i've ridden her on recently, and, well.....Plush as you like!.....It's like a different bike.
Big thank you to Col & Zig