These questions and comments about wearing a helmet or not, or feeling naked for a few blocks if their not required reminds me of when I was a young (and I know everything) kid of about 17.
I was working at a local drug store about 2 miles from home and would ride my old Yamaha 500 to work. My mom made me promise I would ALWAYS wear a "hood" as she called them when I'm on the bike. Well, one day I'm going to work and left my helmet in my room. I decide heck its only a few minutes to work, why go back inside the house and walk all the way upstairs to my bedroom and get my helmet. Well you guessed it, that was the day I went down going around a corner.
No damage to me except a skinned up knee, a few cuts on my hands and a ruined pair of pants. The bike....well I sure screwed up the fairing, pegs, and side case.....
Mom did not say a word! And her silence was deafining! Have always worn a brain bucket since.