It could be worse.


Some disgustingly appalling looking Baltic States troglodyte . looks like her own urine in that bottle. Thanks for planting that image in my sub-conscious Richard :mad:
We've had cracking sunny spring weather here for the last few days, been great to get Bertha out the garage and on the road again.

I'm lucky enough to be an hours ride from the best biking roads in the UK. Have clocked up 800 odd miles in the last few days riding through the highlands. Bike feels awesome after her service, she hasn't missed a beat.

Man I love this country :cool:

I picked the right week to take some leave from work anyway. It's to start pissing down again tomorrow :banghead:
The weather forecast says spring/summer arriving finally in the next few days. 60+f. I'll believe it when it gets here. 39 with drizzle for the past week. Freezing drizzle yesterday, not Rocket weather for me even with heated seat and grips.

I'm finishing up installing LED signals into my Corbin bags now that the price is reasonable. Wired them parallel with the originals.
Nice little circular signals. :thumbsup:
What are they and where can they be found?
NOTE to self: Wash bike! :p
Nice little circular signals. :thumbsup:
What are they and where can they be found?
NOTE to self: Wash bike! :p
. They're $5.95 ea
1" diameter grommet mounted six LED light ( also available in 3 LED), 13/16" drilled hole fits right.

I'll wash it when it's above freezing for more than a day :cautious:. I don't mind riding a dirty bike :ninja: most people only see it as a blurr anyway