If you ever get the chance, ride Croatia!! It's by far my second favorite of all and has everything from forests, high plateau twisties, and coastal cliff. Absolutely gorgeous ride from Hungary into the coast. (Plan a day to visit 3 lakes, or at least several hours).
A ride from uk into Italian tip sounds pretty awesome too!
Croatia is on the list as well but it not being a Shengen country and the extra admin coming in with a UK vehicle put me off somewhat.

I'll do it at some point. I have a master plan to get the ferry over to Norway and ride round the Scandinavian countries and into Russia then Europe, coming in via the old Soviet countries.

I also want to ride the Dalmation coast down to Greece.

If only I could win the lottery and not have to worry about getting enough time off work!

I just turned 32 though, plenty of years trips to plan yet :D
Of course our registrations are deutsch but we had no problems in Croatia. Leaving there and riding into Slovenia on the other hand, wicked confused: German registration, U.S. passports, no entry/exit stamps from any surrounding countries! That was the longest day ever spent at a border checkpoint!
I wish I could ride into Russia, unfortunately that's not a possibility now. Scandinavia wasbeautiful too, but speed limits too low and weather too bad ;)
I agree it is an inexpensive high quality and functional throttle lock. I use it on the rocket and like it ...It works. :thumbsup:

Especially the new version in aluminum with a tension adjusting thumb screw.
I use a simple $5 cramp buster.
That looks like another good cheap alternative. If you need to emergency brake, I'm assuming the brake lever action forces the lock up as it slides back?

I use it mostly not to hold the throttle, but to just eliminate the spring tension on those long days of 4-6hunsky miles.
Thanks! Hope to finish it all this weekend :roll::roll::roll:
I have a TDY to Bavaria next week and I'm hoping to ride, though I doubt I'll have the parts back from paint on Monday so I doubt it :( oh well, probably best to make some local rides first after the work anyway :cool: