Stuck in France

My 1978 HD Low rider had the Barrel head key. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. That and a drilled out exhaust that would kill small animals at 50 feet. Combine that with the screaming 58 HP and a vibration that could chip your teeth if you didn't wear a mouth guard. Ah, the good old days.
Bonnie will have to wait as we’re about to dock back in the UK.
My 3R apparently suffered either a starter switch relay or a broken throttle body (2 different stories).
The bike is still in Rennes, France waiting for Triumph to recover it home for me
Good morning

Got back home around 0020 on 28th September. Triumph are handling my Rockets repatriation, it should be back with me in a couple of weeks. In the meantime Triumph are looking into supplying a fleet bike for me to use until mine comes home.

I must admit, my faith in Triumph is restored. They have gone the extra mile to look after us and get us home safely. Quite why Triumph Rennes told Europe Assist that my bike would take a month to fix is beyond me. The intervention of Triumph customer support certainly sped things up hugely. My local dealer Total Triumph have been phenomenal throughout this whole experience.

Debbie and I are so pleased to be back home, eager to get my bike back now. I’ll let you know how that goes……
It’s been a while so I thought I’d throw in a quick update…..

On Wednesday 4th Oct I was informed my Rocket had been collected by a contractor for Europe Assist, I have no idea where it is now! In the meantime Triumph have delivered a Tiger 660 Sport for me to play with until my bike comes home.

Triumph confirm that the non starting issue was down to a faulty starter relay switch. Bit shocking on a 3 month old machine…
That has happened to me in the past on one of my Moto Guzzi's.

It turned out to be a bad batch of a particular make of relay.

As I recall from that time, the thing that everyone with a Moto Guzzi of a similar age and type, replaced the offending relay with a Bosch one of the same spec. They looked slightly bigger so somehow looked better (if that makes
I got caught out while I was riding in the Scottish Highlands one time, and only found out after the event. After that, I always had a spare one with me at all times. ....but never needed it.

Lol, my friend Guzzi Dan and I laugh at bars when a young guy comes up to his bike and asks what's a Moto Guzzi, never heard of that.

When they fix it then they can tell you what the problem is.
Other wise they are just guessing and blaming the relay or the switchs that control the relay . That is a pretty good guess and covers a lot of components but not all.
Update time!

My Rocket arrived at my local dealer on Monday 16th Oct. The dealer carried out a health check on it and found the battery had been connected incorrectly (by Rennes Triumph?), they also sorted a battery fuse recall. I found some scratches on the exhaust silencers and the fuel tank, which was photographed. The actual breakdown fault was a broken starter motor solenoid!

So….Tiger handed back, grandson loaded onto Rocket and off we went with much delight.

Unfortunately, on the ride home, a ‘check engine’ amber light came on. The Rocket was returned, I rode the Tiger back home again.

Maybe I’m just unlucky or I’ve got a Friday afternoon bike. Hopefully this fault will be sorted this week.

On a positive note, Triumph UK and my local dealer Total Triumph have been brilliant throughout.
