Stuck in fifth and clunking, -after advice, hints tips and tricks TIA


.020 Over
Jun 8, 2020
2005 Rocket III PIG, 2007 Rocket III Faithful
Hi Everyone,

Name is Trav
Tasmania Australia
1st time poster, long time viewer
Rocket III 2005, Silver motor, Ramair, Custom Exhaust, PCV, SecMOD, dyno 158 RWHP 240NM anything above 2k, Have the sheet ;)
I have owned a lot of other bikes including CBR1000RR, VROD MUSCLE STAGE 2 etc

Purchased two weeks ago.......
Wasn't registered, Needed fork seals and a horn, passed 1st inspection.
Have put 1000kms and 4 tanks of fuel into her, Haven't been able to wipe the smile off of my face or my partners (By far the comfiest bike)
Have already said this is my Favourite bike and strangely enough one of my cheapest........ until

Last night sitting on a 100kmh in 4th comfortably, that sort of yea chuck her in fifth annnnnnnd.... I wouldn't say bang however an almighty loud clunk followed by somethings definitely gone in the bottom end ride home in 5th like shes welded in place (Proved a Youtube video where a dude shows we can take off in 5th, If We really have too haha) :(
Got her home not too many traffic lights later, wouldn't back down the driveway etc
Pushed her into the shed, already broken hearted, pretty sure I know whats happened :(
Managed to rock her back and forth a few times then click/thud went into fourth, down to 1st and back to neutral.
Thud/clunks in neutral rocking back and forth, dropped the sump which backed up my hypothesis with bits of.... Looks to me like teeth, photo attached
Not a lot but yet to find the rest...

If I could guess a circlip, beveled washer etc has been installed from the factory backwards and 3rd, 4th and 5th are probably meshed
This seems like a all to common enough problem too not be a recall

Completely devastated, have a million emotions and thoughts as to how I want to tackle the situation
1. Take to Triumph and tell them its their problem Good F Luck lol (modified 05)
2. Take to Triumph for repairs Eeeeep, $5k upwards would be my guess and I dont trust incompetence
3. Do it myself
A. Send gearbox for repair somewhere Australia vs Robinsons
B. Order update kit..... but I dont need half of it.... FFS and now they're $2000, how if it's all OEM!!!???
C. Order the bits I need from update kit, including Retent gear, bearings etc, maybe get the gears from Robinsons

I'm off to the shed to start taking the engine out for a proper diagnosis, FUN

TF to everyone here and all the support from Fork Seal tricks, TuneEcu know how, Manuals etc

Sorry if its too forward with the tags Gents, I'm reaching out for anything, cheers
@warp9.9 @idk @Neville Lush @mr hunt

Why is update kit blacklisted as a TAG

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Sounds like you might be a candidate for the Stroker kit

Good luck. Hope you get it sorted.
4th gear weakest in box and many have gone. I know your pain.
Cheapest and easiest fix is to pick up a spare engine and swap out. Then once assessed either rebuild/upgrade old one or sell it for parts to folks on the forum.
I got an engine for $1000 private sale after parting out a complete wreck I picked up and had freighted from WA.
$2000 is the going rate on Oz eBay bike wreckers but in this environment I would haggle hard.

In answer to my own thread Topic - An idiot - me!;):(:D

After leaving it parked for months I just drained the oil and took off the sump and despite running fine and even being ridden gently to load it into a trailer in Brisbane I discovered 4 large shattered gear teeth and lots of metal fragments. Made my year so far! Wish I had a spare engine too!;):whitstling::rolleyes:

Photos taken by @Turk

Appears to be 4 gear teeth and a collar or roller bearing shell of some sort.

Anybody got any guesses of which parts? @warp9.9 @Claviger


Looks like fourth gear has gave up!!!!!
Let me look for a better picture so you can compare

yep here ya go you might find bits that look familiar

Cheers gents,
Today was page one of engine removal,
(So every other chapter and isn't engine removal at all yet lol)
be a slow and arduous process.
Moments of bitter sweetness, getting to know her better all the same.
Pity I only got 1000k before it happened.

I'm going with what my partner said when getting home from Mother In Laws who said the same thing.
If its a keep bike, do it properly and keep it.

From what I've researched this looks like a unlucky trans model and if I fix it properly should go forever, fingers are crossed so far.

I've ridden nothing like it, torque has no curve, it goes straight up and stays there until she runs out of revs and I've definitely run out of road, handles well for a big bike, ****s all over Harleys I've owned and ridden.

PILLION happy, happy life haha!!
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4th gear weakest in box and many have gone. I know your pain.
Cheapest and easiest fix is to pick up a spare engine and swap out. Then once assessed either rebuild/upgrade old one or sell it for parts to folks on the forum.
I got an engine for $1000 private sale after parting out a complete wreck I picked up and had freighted from WA.
$2000 is the going rate on Oz eBay bike wreckers but in this environment I would haggle hard.

There's a black motor on eBay atm $2000
(edit - I know a guy who knows a guy who knows FFS lol that engine/trans on the ebay one hasnt been updated, udercutdogs etc)
See what I think when I crack the case

I'm thankful for your words nonetheless cheers
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Hello Trav and welcome from Virginia. Tough luck on the transmission brother and I do hope you can improve it on your rebuild. I admire the folks who can tackle this type of work right after getting the bike. I wish you the best of luck and we all look forward to pictures and your narrative.
Sorry about your troubles but welcome to the forum. You've come to the right place for expert advice on the Rocket 3.