Devastated!! To say the least!!
Towards the end of last year finally got her back together, started first go on a stand, ran through the gears (nervous more than anything), everything seemed good, changed through all gears nice and smooth, happy days. (put about 2000kms after gearbox rebuild)
For the last couple of months it has had a intermittent issues where RPM would get stuck between 800-2000 rpm (cornering wasn't fun).
After checking, TPS volts, VAC lines, MAP sensor, lubricating everything so on and so forth, eventually found a thread pointing me in the direction of the Idle Stepper Motor.
I disconnected the linkage, adjusted the idle screw and took her for a ride, happy, happy days finally after all this it was running perfectly!!!!
20mins down the road (riding calmly and gentle, same as last time, exactly the same) and bang, EXACT SAME THING!! stuck in 5th, eventually got it out of 5th, no 4th or 3rd, rode her home and its now parked in the shed, no where near ready to tear her apart again (TIME & MONEY)
Rang a mate who has a Rocket also, he didn't believe me at 1st. Then followed with he had blown his Rocket up that same day!!!

Knowing what I know now, I'd have the gears backcut and use bigger clips....... maybe in the future
Lost a lot of faith in Rockets, wonder how Carpenters make 240+HP kits!!
In the meantime,
Last time it blew was some of the most miserable months of my life and I want another bike ASAP.
I've been looking at others, Harleys to M109Rs etc and nothings compares.
I have found another Rocket, Black engine 06-07 model and for not a bad price, completely stock 33.000kms.....................
I've been told by the other half and I don't blame her NO!!
However I am going to look at it tomorrow, even with the bad taste in my mouth
Any suggestions, advice/help, inspiring words will be held in the highest regards, please someone convince me I'm not doing the stupidest thing ever when everyone is telling me NO!!
PS If I have two I can rebuild the other at my leisure and setup as a single seat with the other as a tourer (saddlebags etc)
or eventually if I need too sell one working with one spare and maybe not lose as much money IDK