Strange item in photo ....

Wow that's a fantastic looking house Paul.

Did by any chance bloke with your skills build this log mansion yourself??

No Chris, I bought the place just on 19 years ago this month.
It was about 5 years old at that time.
A guy by the name of Brendan Rossiter built it, he was only 19 at the time !
If it is only lightly used send it to me , kipper or descose we can get a wee bit more life out of it.

The original ones were extremely expensive calfskin or fish swim bladders etc and were washed and re-used by the owner and possibly handed down from Father to son.

Brought a tear to me eyes just thinkin' bout the savins' :inlove
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They have hobbits too

And I guess they have trees too in order to have logs. :D

And yes, nice home Paul. My wife and I had once planned to build one when I retired but it never happened. A good friend here builds beautiful log homes and corrected me once when I referred to them as "log cabins".
If it is only lightly used send it to me , kipper or descose we can get a wee bit more life out of it.
remind me of the scot walking in a pharmacy and delicately opening an handkerchief in front of the head pharmacist asking him if he could put a patch on the sorry looking condom seating in the kerchief the pharmacist upon glancing on the sorry condom told him SIR this is disgusting I see already some patches on this condom don't you know it is to be used only once and promptly grab the handkerchief closes it and dump it in a waste basket upon which the poor scot picks it back up telling the pharmacist sorry it is not mine it belong to the clubhouse ...
Well Dr D you are by far the closest so far.
The condom Boys were just a wee bit out :D
In fact that piece of Brass is about 15' this side of the bike and is fact is the door handle on the French doors on the front of the house, I remember taking the photo so that the edge of the door was just out of the shot.
The photo was taken standing on the deck with my back to the French doors looking towards where this photo below was taken.

I know this is a RIII forum but I suspect you could tell a few tales about the design and build of that house- what is shown is frankly breathtaking, how fortunate are you!!