Stator bolt rotation when removing


Mar 18, 2017
Pattaya Thailand
2006 Triumph R111
No mention in the handbook I suppose that answers the question but just to be sure could someone put me out my misery😬
Sorry it was a question about the bolt on the stator I need to remove to gain access for the puller and weather it is a standard thread....
It's an M12 right hand thread but will need to measure one at home to know thread pitch.
What's happening when you go to remove it?
I've not attempted removing it yet mate, i just wanted to be sure I cracked it open the right way considering it's rotating,
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Yeah "normal" bolt right hand thread. Open counter clockwise.
But you need to stop the crank from turning with something quite strong, multiple ways to do it but the easiest and best is the stator brace. Triumph sell one but you can easily make one yourself.

The puller bolt you use for removing the stator then just needs to be tightened a little squeeze, not a huge amount.
And given a few sharp hard raps of a big hammer on the head of the puller bolt.
Then tighten again, and whack again.
Repeat until stator is loose on the tapered tail of the crank.

The puller bolt works by shock with a little tension/pull already applied. Not by pure brute force on threading it in (doing that may pull the threads before the stator lets go)