I think I mentioned this before & it's happened to 2 of my Rockets now...
The wire from relay goes to a plug behind the engine ( it comes out of loom ) & that wire ( Black ) goes directly up to starter relay.
That plug goes bad as it almost impossible to get at to clean let alone take apart.
Both bikes were randomly clicking...rock in gear & at some stage they would always start. I had cleaned & checked everything else before discovering this.
Fix is doing a direct wire from starter solenoid to Black wire in starter relay. Both bikes start every time now.
Mite not work for everyone but something to check at least. 🚀
Sorry, but I can not understand how rocking the bike back and forth in gear, could have any effect on the solenoid ???
Sorry, but I can not understand how rocking the bike back and forth in gear, could have any effect on the solenoid ???
True that....I had to do that to 2 rockets & it turned out to be the dirty solenoid plug behind engine that comes out of loom.
Rocking it jiggled it enough to make a contact 🙄
Just because the solonoid clicks, does not mean it is working...... bad/dirty/burnt contacts not passing current through to starter....
You sir are correct
Also you may be losing voltage anywhere like battery, bat cables, ignition switch, ignition wires to number 30 starter relay, starter relay, or the wire from relay number 87 to starter solenoid, bad starter solenoid, bad starter.
True that....I had to do that to 2 rockets & it turned out to be the dirty solenoid plug behind engine that comes out of loom.
Rocking it jiggled it enough to make a contact 🙄

I agree that the plug was your voltage problem but what I was thinking is that when you rocked the bike it moved the crank (flywheel teeth) to a position that let the starter teeth line up and engage better so that's why she started.
I agree that the plug was your voltage problem but what I was thinking is that when you rocked the bike it moved the crank (flywheel teeth) to a position that let the starter teeth line up and engage better so that's why
I totally get what you mean with lack of voltage with starter engaging 👍🚀
I went to a complete nightmare chasing this problem down. Upgraded starter changed relay bought a new battery. I took my ignition switch apart and found a dried up little spider between the spring and the contact don't know how you got in there. Put it back together everything is good.
I went to a complete nightmare chasing this problem down. Upgraded starter changed relay bought a new battery. I took my ignition switch apart and found a dried up little spider between the spring and the contact don't know how you got in there. Put it back together everything is good.
Similar story, mk3 VW jetta, mosquito hawk shorted out on the clock spring