
My bike has the exact same issue. Coming to a stop with clutch in. Engine just stalls. Happened 4-5 times within last 4k kms. It can be pretty scary and can be unsafe. Shouldn’t be happening. Worst part is that dealer won’t be able to replicate the issue as it is random.
Did you see rpms drop below 1k? As I mentioned try reducing time clutch pulled in.
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Did you see rpms drop below 1k? As I mentioned try reducing time clutch pulled in.
Yes RPMs dropped below 1k. I will try that. Just curious if anybody using Tune ECU maps also experienced the same stalling? Maybe stock mapping is too lean in low RPMs. After couple days, cold starts takes a bit of effort on mine.
To be clear, when I said workaround is release clutch quickly, that was when going at about 25mph and above slowing down quickly. Once rpms at 2 to 2.5k I can pull in clutch and hold putting into 1st as the rpms won't go lower than 1k. It appears that fast high rpms,3k and above then clutch pulled in and holding that results in fast rpm drop leading to stall. Rode every day last week and no stalls per above.
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That's exactly what happens when you are approaching an intersection. About 50 metres before coming to a stop, I pull in the clutch, downshift and then hold the clutch in until I come to a stop. That's when the RPMs drop quickly and the stall happens. I guess most riders do that. I suspect the stock fuel mapping due to Euro 5 might be the culprit.
As a workaround, I also keep the clutch in duration to a minimum while approaching a stop to prevent stalling. It has been working pretty well. But this flaw always stays at the back of my mind and it bothers me all the time. The dreaded stall can still happen........ while at a red light stop and people behind you might get impatient...
If it were mapping problem, Why didn't mine stall before last week with just under 24k miles? Never had to do the workaround. Can the mapping change on its own?
If it were mapping problem, Why didn't mine stall before last week with just under 24k miles? Never had to do the workaround. Can the mapping change on its own?
As we know it is a random issue. Last time mine stalled was about 1500 kms ago. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen again. When it will happen for someone, nobody can predict.
What do you think is causing this issue?
As we know it is a random issue. Last time mine stalled was about 1500 kms ago. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen again. When it will happen for someone, nobody can predict.
What do you think is causing this issue?
Not knowledgeable on electronics or mechanics. Will try this week when riding to DUPLICATE THE STALL so I can let dealer know on Nov. 10 when I drop it off. They fixed brake recall, maybe they are good and will know. Sad that so far no one has figured it out! The more info I give dealer the better chance for fix.
I am also curious to know if they have a fix. To replicate the issue, clutch in before coming to stop and also try revving it a little like Blipping the throttle. It triggers the stall sometimes too.
I am also curious to know if they have a fix. To replicate the issue, clutch in before coming to stop and also try revving it a little like Blipping the throttle. It triggers the stall sometimes too.
Clutch in going 40 about coming to a stop, leave clutch in as revs drop like a rock I think will do it. Never has blipping throttle as I don't do that. Going to try today. Really hate this! Who wants to stall! All for the fix. Think of it. For the sake of science, my dealer gets correct info. Resolves issue, I post so dealers across the world resolve the problem! Gettr done!