Sputtering problem finally resolved

Old news ;)
Fred you have the air temp sensor in the first K&N what is in the middle one?
It was the intake air temp sensor being located under the tank. It was sensing hot air from the engine and radiator and it was leaning out. I moved it right in front of the bear claw and now it runs perfectly. It pulls in only fresh air now. Idaho Red Rocket 3 (Bill) asked me where I had it located and suggested that I move it out in the the fresh air stream. That fixed it! Thanks Bill!
I best be moving mine from between the middle and rear throttle bodies and put it up front as well :)
Did you not have the wee K&N on the vent like I have at one time? I know it is a little bit hard to get to but not to bad.

I didn't like the way the wee filter made the back of my engine all filthy with oil vapor with dirt stuck in it. Was really a mess back there when I did my output bearing.
When I installed the RamAir, I winced as I placed the wee filter back there. To do it over, or better, how might one go about replicating your setup, for the RamAair ? The RamAir kit doesn't have a stiff plate like yours into which one would plumb a crankcase vent line.
When I installed the RamAir, I winced as I placed the wee filter back there. To do it over, or better, how might one go about replicating your setup, for the RamAair ? The RamAir kit doesn't have a stiff plate like yours into which one would plumb a crankcase vent line.

Doesn't the Ramair have a plate between the throttle body holes ? You could do the same thing coming in from the back ?
That is why the Ramair filters have the sensor in a better place.

But thanks to your photo I figured out that when refitting my RamAir a month or so ago I had left the clip wire pushed in on my Air temp sensor plug leaving it loose and possibly causing my stutters of late. Pulled out like in your photo it locks the sensor to the plug. Dohh!. Raining now and dark but I'll take it out for ride tomorrow and check the difference.
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I best be moving mine from between the middle and rear throttle bodies and put it up front as well :)

I don't know, you're probably okay...I think the trick is to have it located where the air temp it's sensing, and the air temp that's actually going into the throttle bodies is as close to the same as possible...