Sputtering problem finally resolved


Aug 10, 2015
Dayton, OH or Joliet, IL
2013 R3R
It was the intake air temp sensor being located under the tank. It was sensing hot air from the engine and radiator and it was leaning out. I moved it right in front of the bear claw and now it runs perfectly. It pulls in only fresh air now. Idaho Red Rocket 3 (Bill) asked me where I had it located and suggested that I move it out in the the fresh air stream. That fixed it! Thanks Bill!
Is this part of the same problem you were having about a year ago?
This is that very same problem...I thought it was something in the tune, and it turned out to be the temp sensor the whole time...I never could figure out why it ran fine when it was cold, but as soon as the engine started to warm up the problem started...
Wow - this almost sounds as a design deficiency.

Should all of us with alternate air filters be looking at doing the same thing ?
That is why the Ramair filters have the sensor in a better place.

And I just installed my RamAir -- and went through the process of moving the AIT sensor.


Yes this is the picture I had in my mind when I suggested to Jim to move the sensor out from under the tank. Thanks Fred. I knew from my own work that the sensor has to be in the fresh air stream in order to get the correct reading for the ecu.
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