Speedo needle dead, P1500 error code, odometer works fine

I must confess i did not watch the video.
The basics
The only way to check a speed sensor is with a scope while it is working.
U can check with an ohm meter and if it is open then it is bad.
Most of the vss (vehicle speed sensors)
Start to Fail at real slow speed (2 to 10 mph) the ecu sees this and sets a code but the speedo still works. Evenually the vss fails and the speedo stops working.
Because i work with these vss all the time i can use a scope to check by slowly turning the wheel and reading voltage normal 1 volt per 1 mile per hour. Of coarse if it is a $30 sensor then just put it on.
Because of the trip resetting i am leaning toward a problem with
battery connections i would say to disconnect clean and put back making sure that they r tight and not the bolt getting tight and leaving the terminals loose.
Battery terminals should be OK. Bike starts perfectly every time so the connection is good enough for that. I'll check them anyway.

I see on the wiring diagram that there is constant power (purple wire) and ignition power (green/red wire) to the instrument cluster.

Perhaps my constant power wire is suspect. That would explain why the trip meters reset.
I know that when i disconnect the battery on mine the trip resets.
So i am assuming that something simular is happing on yours thats why i would srart with cables.
The next step might be 2 put a couple of miles on the trip and before turning off maybe run a jumper from bat tyo one of the fuses thar stay hot with ignition off to see if trip stays or resets.
I reminder a 3 way splice under the tank that gives a problem when it becomes coroded.. others might give more info on this.
Battery terminals are good.
Constant power to the speedo is good (measured at the multipin in the back of the speedo).

If it has constant power but is resetting the trip meters every time I turn the bike off, there's gotta be something wrong in the speedo unit itself.

Reckon I'm up for a new one. No doubt they're pricey as hell.
Yep, either use torque or paint some speed numbers on your tacho.

I've only been in the South for 1 day, how redneck will I be by the end of the week?